autosysconfig(8)					      System Manager's Manual						  autosysconfig(8)

autosysconfig - Maintains the list of dynamic kernel subsystems that are automatically configured SYNOPSIS
/sbin/init.d/autosysconfig add | delete | list [subsystem-name] DESCRIPTION
Use the autosysconfig program to maintain the kernel's list of dynamic subsystems that are automatically configured at each system startup. The following list describes the autosysconfig commands: Adds a dynamic subsystem to the list. At each system startup, the specified sub- system is automatically configured into the kernel. (The object module that contains the subsystem must exist in the /subsys or /var/subsys directory for automatic configuration to work correctly.) You must specify the subsystem-name parameter with the add command. Deletes a dynamic subsystem from the list. At each system startup, the specified subsystem is omitted from the kernel. You must specify the subsys- tem-name parameter with the delete command. Lists the dynamic subsystems that are automatically configured at system startup. The system issues the sysconfig -c command to configure dynamic subsystems at system startup. The subsystems are added to the kernel dur- ing the execution of the init program. No dynamic subsystems are automatically configured by default. You must add a subsystem name to the list to enable automatic configuration of that subsystem. EXAMPLES
The following are examples of using the autosysconfig command: To add a subsystem to the list of automatically configured subsystems, issue the following command: # /sbin/init.d/autosysconfig add lat This command adds the lat (Local Area Terminal) subsystem to the list. To see what subsystems are on the list, issue the following command: # /sbin/init.d/autosysconfig list Current automatic configuration list includes the following dynamic subsystems: lat SEE ALSO
Commands: sysconfig(8), sysconfigdb(8) System Administration autosysconfig(8)