Add POP Account Script (newbie)

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Add POP Account Script (newbie)
# 1  
Old 11-07-2001
Question Add POP Account Script (newbie)

Hi All,

I am thinking about getting a dedicated server and would like to be able to add pop mail accounts automatically without my intervention.

In other words, when someone fills out a form for a POP mail account, the information is sent to a script on the site and sets up their account automatically.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this task.


# 2  
Old 11-09-2001

I don't know much about setting up POP accounts, but certainly if you knwo how to do it manually and can give the steps, then I am sure I, and others will be better able to help you.

Things like the POP server program you are running, the commands to add POP accounts etc would be very helpful.
# 3  
Old 11-29-2001
script for adding pop users

I wrote ascript a while back to do this. It has since evolved into a generic "user add" type script. You can change some variables to make it work for what you want. You can download it from:

If you have any questions you can email me and I will try and help.

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