Help in setting up password without Interaction.

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# 1  
Old 10-06-2001
Help in setting up password without Interaction.

Can anybody tell me how can I create an account without having to enter the password after editing the vipw file. I mean the system should automatically take care of the password encryption in the shadow file and I don't to enter the password again and the Account should be ready to go.
# 2  
Old 10-06-2001
It varies depending on the system you are using
(you didn't mention it). You should be able to
find a command like "useradd(1M)" or for instance
on AIX you can use SMIT or even Webmin (if you
have it installed). All of these allow you to
create user accounts that will force the user
to create a password on the first login and
you don't have to supply a "default" password
to start with (force) HOWEVER... you should
ALWAYS supply an initial password to any user
because if you don't, you have no assurance that
someone else has gained access via the new
account. Additionally, you should transmit the
new account information to the new user via some
reasonably secure method (i.e. encrypted email,
telling them personally, certified mail, etc.).

I know it may sound a bit paranoid but...
ya never know...Smilie
# 3  
Old 10-06-2001
Don't want to use useradd command to create a new user

I am doing manual addition of accounts. Actually I am writing a script and I am working on RedHat7.1 system. What I am trying to do is run the script and pass all the values of the username password and group as command line parameters. Now what I am trying to do is after passing the initial password I want the account to be activated with that password. Because if you simply edit the passwd file and add the username, password and other information when you test the account it does not recognize the account and then as a root user you have to go and enter the password again and then it gets written to the shadow file in encrypted form(even if you user command "pwconv" does not write the password to the shadow file in the encrypted form). P;us I can't leave the acconts open either. To create 500 account or more It will take me long a time to create those accounts. I just want to automate those password writing to the shadow file without having to go through this command
passwd <username>
enter new password in Unix ******
So, if anyone knows how can I do this through the script please let me know.
# 4  
Old 10-06-2001
Ahhh... this clarifies your first posting
considerably Smilie

The short answer... I don't know if that can be
done but if it could, it would seem like a
security hole. Since the passwd program should not
accept input from anything other than an actual
"tty" attached to stdin. Having said that, a C
program run as root can pretty much do anything.
You may consider writing your own C program
to do it or look around (maybe as part of a
root kit or somthing but I woun't recommend
those Smilie ) for some code fragments.
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