widget(3tk)							Megawidget package						       widget(3tk)


widget - Megawidget package SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 package require widget ?3.0? package require snit widget::validate as ?options? widget::calendar pathname ?options? widget::dateentry pathname ?options? widget::dialog pathname ?options? widget::menuentry pathname ?options? widget::panelframe pathname ?options? widget::ruler pathname ?options? widget::screenruler pathname ?options? widget::scrolledwindow pathname ?options? widget::statusbar pathname ?options? widget::superframe pathname ?options? widget::toolbar pathname ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
This package provides megawidgets based on the snit oo system (snidgets). It makes use of the Tile/Ttk themed widget set. widget::validate as ?options? commands: WIDGETS
widget::calendar pathname ?options? options: widget::dateentry pathname ?options? options: widget::dialog pathname ?options? options: widget::menuentry pathname ?options? options: widget::panelframe pathname ?options? options: widget::ruler pathname ?options? options: widget::screenruler pathname ?options? options: widget::scrolledwindow pathname ?options? options: widget::statusbar pathname ?options? options: widget::superframe pathname ?options? options: widget::toolbar pathname ?options? options: EXAMPLE
package require widget::superframe ; # or widget::all pack [widget::superframe .f -type separator -text "SuperFrame:"] KEYWORDS
megawidget, snit, widget widget 3.0 widget(3tk)