Can not access storedge 3320 info

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Operating Systems Solaris Can not access storedge 3320 info
# 8  
Old 12-30-2013
Check both SCSI cables that you use to connect the storage to the server. It is possible that one of them got disconnected/became faulty.
# 9  
Old 12-30-2013
In the back of the Storedge 3320 I can see the term led light on green., except for the scsi cable that goes to the sunfire v240
# 10  
Old 12-30-2013
You mean you have only one SCSI cable connecting storage to the server?
# 11  
Old 12-30-2013
Term 1 is empty
Term 2 and Term 3 connect to each other
Term 4 connects to Server.
But that's the only led that is not on.
# 12  
Old 12-30-2013
Is this the only storage array connected to that server?
# 13  
Old 12-30-2013
Yes it is
# 14  
Old 12-30-2013
Well, I would try reseating the "Term 2-Term 3" cable. Then run "probe-scsi-all" again. If that doesn't help, try replacing that "Term 2-Term 3" cable.
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