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gsip(4) [netbsd man page]

GSIP(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   GSIP(4)

gsip -- National Semiconductor DP83820 Gigabit Ethernet driver SYNOPSIS
gsip* at pci? dev ? function ? Configuration of PHYs may also be necessary. See mii(4). DESCRIPTION
The gsip device driver supports Gigabit Ethernet interfaces based on the National Semiconductor DP83820 Gigabit Ethernet chips. The National Semiconductor DP83820 is found on NetGear GA-622, Asante FriendlyNet GigaNIX, D-Link DGE-500T, SMC 9452TX and 9462TX, Accton EN1407-T, Planex GN-1000TE, ARK SOHO GA2000T and GA2500T, and other low-cost Gigabit Ethernet cards. It uses an external PHY or an external 10-bit interface. The DP83820 supports VLAN tag insertion/removal in hardware. The gsip driver supports this feature of the chip. The DP83820 supports IPv4/TCP/UDP checksumming in hardware. The gsip driver supports this feature of the chip. See ifconfig(8) for informa- tion on how to enable this feature. The DP83820 chip is a close relative of the DP83815 10/100 Ethernet chip, which is supported by the sip(4) driver, hence the gsip name. SEE ALSO
arp(4), ifmedia(4), mii(4), netintro(4), pci(4), vlan(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The gsip driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.6. AUTHORS
The gsip driver was written by Jason R. Thorpe <>. BUGS
The gsip driver does not support the 10-bit interface, which is required in order to support fiber-optic media. BSD
June 2, 2001 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

SIP(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    SIP(4)

sip -- SiS 900-based Ethernet driver SYNOPSIS
sip* at pci? dev ? function ? Configuration of PHYs is also necessary. See mii(4). DESCRIPTION
The sip device driver supports Ethernet interfaces based on the Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900, SiS 7016, and National Semiconductor DP83815 Ethernet chips. The SiS 900 is found on many motherboards featuring SiS chipsets, and on some embedded systems, and has a built-in PHY. The SiS 7016 is an older version of the chip, which uses an external PHY. The National Semiconductor DP83815 is found on NetGear FA-311 and FA-312 Ethernet boards, and has a built-in PHY. SEE ALSO
arp(4), ifmedia(4), mii(4), netintro(4), pci(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The sip driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. AUTHORS
The sip driver was originally written by Jason R. Thorpe for Network Computer, Inc. It has since been modified by Jason R. Thorpe <> and Allen Briggs <>. BSD
May 17, 2001 BSD
Man Page

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