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login(1) [bsd man page]

LOGIN(1)						      General Commands Manual							  LOGIN(1)

login - sign on SYNOPSIS
login [ -p ] [ username ] DESCRIPTION
The login command is used when a user initially signs on, or it may be used at any time to change from one user to another. The latter case is the one summarized above and described here. See "How to Get Started" for how to dial up initially. If login is invoked without an argument, it asks for a user name, and, if appropriate, a password. Echoing is turned off (if possible) during the typing of the password, so it will not appear on the written record of the session. After a successful login, accounting files are updated and the user is informed of the existence of mail. The message of the day is printed, as is the time of his last login. Both are suppressed if he has a ".hushlogin" file in his home directory; this is mostly used to make life easier for non-human users, such as uucp. Login initializes the user and group IDs and the working directory, then executes a command interpreter (usually csh(1)) according to spec- ifications found in a password file. Argument 0 of the command interpreter is the name of the command interpreter with a leading dash ("-"). Login also modifies the environment environ(7) with information specifying home directory, command interpreter, terminal type (if avail- able) and user name. The `-p' argument causes the remainder of the environment to be preserved, otherwise any previous environment is dis- carded. If the file /etc/nologin exists, login prints its contents on the user's terminal and exits. This is used by shutdown(8) to stop users log- ging in when the system is about to go down. Login is recognized by sh(1) and csh(1) and executed directly (without forking). FILES
/var/run/utmp accounting /usr/adm/wtmp accounting /usr/spool/mail/* mail /etc/motd message-of-the-day /etc/passwd password file /etc/nologin stops logins .hushlogin makes login quieter SEE ALSO
init(8), getty(8), mail(1), passwd(1), passwd(5), environ(7), shutdown(8), rlogin(1c) DIAGNOSTICS
"Login incorrect," if the name or the password is bad. "No Shell", "cannot open password file", "no directory": consult a programming counselor. BUGS
An undocumented option, -r is used by the remote login server, rlogind(8C) to force login to enter into an initial connection protocol. -h is used by telnetd(8C) and other servers to list the host from which the connection was received. 4th Berkeley Distribution November 27, 1996 LOGIN(1)

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login(1)						      General Commands Manual							  login(1)

       login - log in to a system

       login [username]

       The  command  is used when a user initially signs on, or it may be used at any time to change from one user to another.	The latter case is
       the one summarized above and described here.  To sign on initially, see the Guide to System Environment Setup.

       If is invoked without an argument, it asks for a user name, and, if appropriate, a password.  Echoing is turned off  (if  possible)  during
       the typing of the password, so it does not appear on the written record of the session.

       After  a  successful  login accounting files are updated, the user is informed of the existence of mail, the message of the day is printed,
       and the time of last successful login is displayed.  The display of all this information can be prevented by creating the  file	.hushlogin
       in the accounts login directory. This is useful for accounts such as uucp.

       If  ULTRIX  security  features  are enabled additional things may happen.  These include the display of the number of failed login attempts
       since the last successful login and forcing the setting of a new password.  See the Security Guide for Users and Security Guide for  Admin-
       istrators for more information.

       The  command  initializes  the  user  and group IDs, the working directory, and the users audit information, then executes a command inter-
       preter, usually according to specifications found in a password file.  Argument 0 of the command interpreter is "-sh",  or  more  generally
       the name of the command interpreter with a leading dash ("-") prepended.

       The  command also initializes the environment with information specifying home directory, command interpreter, terminal type (if available)
       and user name.

       When is used in conjunction with it is the responsibility of the getty program to initialize the terminal attributes.   Specifically  if  a
       terminal is setup to use 8-bit characters the program should use a entry which specifies 8-bit characters.  If a terminal is setup in 8-bit
       mode but fails to specify an 8-bit gettytab entry, then characters output by both and may appear as multinational characters.

       If the file exists, prints its contents on the user's terminal and exits. This is used by to stop users logging in when the system is about
       to go down.

       The command is recognized by and and executed directly (without forking).

       If a root login is attempted and an invalid command interpreter is specified, the interpreter is used.

       -r		   Used by the remote login server, to force to enter into an initial connection protocol.

       -P <programname>    Causes to set it's standard input and output to be connected to the prompting program <programname>.

       -C string	   Allows  the system to specify a command to be run using the user's shell.  This option causes a user shell -c string to

       -e		   Forces to use an extended protocol when communicating with a prompter program (see -P).

       To provide flow control, CTRL/S and CTRL/Q are ignored and are therefore invalid characters in a login name.

       Login incorrect
       If the username and password are not a valid combination.

       Too many users logged on already. Try again later.
       The system has the maximum licensed number of users logged on already.

       License not valid for this version of ULTRIX.
       The PAK that has been registered is for an earlier version of ULTRIX.

       No valid license found for ULTRIX.
       There is either no ULTRIX PAK registered or the PAK that has been found is not valid, possibly because it has terminated.

       Requires secure terminal
       An attempt was made to login as UID 0 on a line that is not marked as secure in

       No shell
       The login shell specified for the account cannot be executed. Consult the system administrator.

       No directory! Logging in with home=/
       The HOME directory for the account is inaccessible. This can happen if the directory resides on an NFS file system served by a host that is
       not currently available.

       You have too many processes running
       Completion of login would exceed the maximum number of running processes allowed for the user.

       You have mail
       You have a non-empty mail spool file.

       If ULTRIX security features are enabled the following messages are also possible from login:

       Your password has expired
       The password for your account has not been changed recently enough.  Consult your system administrator.

       Your password has expired, please change it
       Your password has expired recently. You have to change it before you can proceed any further.

       Your password will expire very soon
       Your password will expire in less than 24 hours.

       Your password will expire in %d days
       The ``%d'' is replaced with the number of days until your password expires. You should consider changing your password now.

       This account is disabled
       Consult your system administrator.

       Kerberos initialization failure
       Consult your system administrator.

       authorization data base
       password file
       stops logins
       sets I&A security level
       makes login quieter
       lists ttys that root may log in on
See Also
       mail(1), passwd(1), yppasswd(1yp), passwd(5yp), environ(7), getty(8), init(8), rlogind(8c), shutdown(8)
       Guide to System Environment Setup
       Security Guide for Users
       Security Guide for Administrators

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