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getty(8) [bsd man page]

GETTY(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  GETTY(8)

getty - set terminal mode SYNOPSIS
getty [ type [ tty ] ] DESCRIPTION
Getty is usually invoked by init(8) to open and initialize the tty line, read a login name, and invoke login(1). getty attempts to adapt the system to the speed and type of terminal being used. The argument tty is the special device file in /dev to open for the terminal (e.g., ``ttyh0''). If there is no argument or the argument is ``-'', the tty line is assumed to be open as file descriptor 0. The type argument can be used to make getty treat the terminal line specially. This argument is used as an index into the gettytab(5) database, to determine the characteristics of the line. If there is no argument, or there is no such table, the default table is used. If there is no /etc/gettytab a set of system defaults is used. If indicated by the table located, getty will clear the terminal screen, print a banner heading, and prompt for a login name. Usually either the banner of the login prompt will include the system hostname. Then the user's name is read, a character at a time. If a null character is received, it is assumed to be the result of the user pushing the `break' (`interrupt') key. The speed is usually then changed and the `login:' is typed again; a second `break' changes the speed again and the `login:' is typed once more. Successive `break' characters cycle through the same standard set of speeds. The user's name is terminated by a new-line or carriage-return character. The latter results in the system being set to treat carriage returns appropriately (see tty(4)). The user's name is scanned to see if it contains any lower-case alphabetic characters; if not, and if the name is nonempty, the system is told to map any future upper-case characters into the corresponding lower-case characters. Finally, login is called with the user's name as an argument. Most of the default actions of getty can be circumvented, or modified, by a suitable gettytab table. Getty can be set to timeout after some interval, which will cause dial up lines to hang up if the login name is not entered reasonably quickly. DIAGNOSTICS
ttyxx: No such device or address. ttyxx: No such file or address. A terminal which is turned on in the ttys file cannot be opened, likely because the requisite lines are either not configured into the system, the associated device was not attached during boot-time system con- figuration, or the special file in /dev does not exist. FILES
/etc/gettytab SEE ALSO
gettytab(5), init(8), login(1), ioctl(2), tty(4), ttys(5) 4th Berkeley Distribution November 17, 1996 GETTY(8)

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getty(1M)						  System Administration Commands						 getty(1M)

getty - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/saf/ttymon [-h] [-t timeout] line [ speed [ type [linedisc]]] /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -c file DESCRIPTION
getty sets terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline. getty is a symbolic link to /usr/lib/saf/ttymon. It is included for compati- bility with previous releases for the few applications that still call getty directly. getty can only be executed by the super-user, (a process with the user ID root). Initially getty prints the login prompt, waits for the user's login name, and then invokes the login command. getty attempts to adapt the system to the terminal speed by using the options and arguments specified on the command line. Without optional arguments, getty specifies the following: The speed of the interface is set to 300 baud, either parity is allowed, NEW- LINE characters are converted to carriage return-line feed, and tab expansion is performed on the standard output. getty types the login prompt before reading the user's name a character at a time. If a null character (or framing error) is received, it is assumed to be the result of the user pressing the BREAK key. This will cause getty to attempt the next speed in the series. The series that getty tries is determined by what it finds in /etc/ttydefs . OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -h If the -h flag is not set, a hangup will be forced by setting the speed to zero before setting the speed to the default or a specified speed. -t timeout Specifies that getty should exit if the open on the line succeeds and no one types anything in timeout seconds. -c file The -c option is no longer supported. Instead use /usr/sbin/sttydefs -l to list the contents of the /etc/ttydefs file and perform a validity check on the file. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: line The name of a TTY line in /dev to which getty is to attach itself. getty uses this string as the name of a file in the /dev directory to open for reading and writing. speed The speed argument is a label to a speed and TTY definition in the file /etc/ttydefs. This definition tells getty at what speed to run initially, what the initial TTY settings are, and what speed to try next, (should the user press the BREAK key to indicate that the speed is inappropriate). The default speed is 300 baud. type and linedisc These options are obsolete and will be ignored. FILES
/etc/ttydefs ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsr | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ct(1C), login(1), sttydefs(1M), ttymon(1M), ioctl(2), attributes(5), tty(7D) SunOS 5.10 14 Sep 1992 getty(1M)
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