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# 8  
Old 07-01-2002
I have never seen anyone attempt to attack a unix system via a true virus. And the only true unix virus that I ever saw were written by researchers just to demonstrate that it could be done. Worms and trojan horses are the primary problems. And some folks call these (incorrectly) viruses, especially if they involve machine language payloads.

But note that the rlogin bug only requires that the rlogin executable be present on the system. You don't need to allow the r-cmds protocol on your network. You don't need to be running or even have a rlogind anywhere. You don't even need to have connected your system to a network. If you have a broken rlogind executable on your system, any non-root user can use it to become root.

And code delivered to your system via a trojan horse or worm might try it. And rlogin was just an example anyway. Most of the attacks on unix in the past decade have used buffer overrruns.
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AMAVISD-NEW(8)						      System Manager's Manual						    AMAVISD-NEW(8)

amavisd-new - Interface between MTA and virus scanner/content filters SYNOPSIS
amavisd-new [ -u userid ] [ -g groupid ] [ -c config-file ]... [ start | stop | reload | debug | debug-sa | foreground ] DESCRIPTION
amavisd is a high-performance interface between message transfer agent (MTA) and virus scanners and/or spam scanners. This is the amavisd-new incarnation of amavisd. It is a performance-enhanced and feature-enriched version of the original amavisd program. Amavisd-new works as a SMTP proxy. Email is fed to it through SMTP, processed, and fed back to the MTA through a new SMTP connection. There is no buffering to disk by amavis, it will report that the transfer was sucessfull only after the forwarding MTA has accepted the message. It is possible to use the sendmail milter interface instead of the SMTP proxy method, as well. OPTIONS
-c configfile Use the specified configuration file instead of using run-parts(8) to find config files in /usr/share/amavis/conf.d and /etc/amavis/conf.d (this is a Debian extension to Amavisd-new). More than one -c option can be specified and the files will be read in the order given. -u userid Try to switch to that user id. -g groupid Try to switch to that group id. start Starts amavisd-new stop Stops a running amavisd-new reload Reloads configuration from config file (may in fact just restart amavisd-new) debug Runs amavisd-new in debug mode debug-sa Runs amavisd-new in spamassassin debug mode foreground Does not fork to background FILES
/etc/amavis/amavisd.conf, /var/lib/amavis, /var/run/amavis/ SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/amavisd-new/* AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). 2003-01-01 AMAVISD-NEW(8)