Unable to use the CDE Facility

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# 8  
Old 12-05-2009
you've the files in /export not in /export/home. /export is part of the / filesystem. and this is full, which is realy bad and can crash the server!

also please use code tags for output of commands!
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asadmin-unset(1AS)						   User Commands						asadmin-unset(1AS)

asadmin-unset, unset - removes one or more variables from the multimode environment SYNOPSIS
unset env_var [env_var]* Removes one or more variables you set for the multimode environment. The variables and their associated values will no longer exist in the environment. OPERANDS
env_var environment variable to be removed. Example 1: Using unset to remove environment variables asadmin> export AS_ADMIN_HOST=bluestar AS_ADMIN_PORT=8000 AS_ADMIN_USER=admin AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password asadmin> export AS_ADMIN_PREFIX=server1.jms-service asadmin> export AS_ADMIN_HOST=bluestar AS_ADMIN_PORT=8000 AS_ADMIN_USER=admin AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=******** AS_ADMIN_PREFIX=server1.jms-service asadmin> unset AS_ADMIN_PREFIX asadmin> export AS_ADMIN_HOST=bluestar AS_ADMIN_PORT=8000 AS_ADMIN_USER=admin AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=******** Using the export command without the argument lists the environment variables that are set. Notice the AS_ADMIN_PREFIX is not in the envi- ronment after running the unset command. EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command asadmin-export(1AS), asadmin-multimode(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-unset(1AS)