10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi everyone,
I have binary file that call “app”, this file must be bind with “config file” to run.
problem is I have 10 different version of “app”, in different path with different “config file”!
This command show version of “app”:
root ~: /home/user1/app -version
The only way... (30 Replies)
Discussion started by: indeed_1
30 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have made a snake game on below bash version. But it is not backward compatible. Can someone suggest a version which is most commonly used and
is backward compatible so that i can change my code and share again?
I have attached the game script. If someone can run it please also suggest... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: amit14august
5 Replies
3. AIX
Below is output of lslpp command.
bash-3.00# lslpp -L | grep xlC
xlC.aix50.rte C F XL C/C++ Runtime for AIX 5.3
xlC.cpp C F C for AIX Preprocessor
xlC.msg.en_US.cpp C F C for AIX... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: manoj.solaris
2 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
How to copy a file from directroy/ prior version to the directory/ new version automatically. (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: roy1912
4 Replies
5. AIX
I have two shared libraries, A, B(B depents on A, both linked with -G option which means they're rtl enable), B's toc size is bigger than 64K(-bbigtoc), while A's toc size smaller than 64K.
Then I write a "Hello, world" example E, and link with A and B.
Link cmd 1:
xlC128_r -o E E.o -lA -lB... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: jackliang
0 Replies
6. AIX
Hi team,
I am new to unix,and need your advice on the below.
I am using aix5.3 and have installed make-3.82 on the server.
I need to use gmake for configuring and installing a package ,but it is giving error at the below
# ./configure.server
... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: sonal kumar
7 Replies
7. Solaris
Hi All,
Can anyone help me in installing gcc-3.4.6 complier on Solaris 10.
1. I have downloaded the gcc-3.4.6.tar.gz from one of the free share
2. While downloading its is seen that it is renamed to gcc-3.4.6.tar.tar
3. On solaris machine I renamed it gcc-3.4.6.tar.gz from gcc-3.4.6.tar.tar... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: susainaj
4 Replies
8. AIX
consider on day1, in PVCS repository we have java files like a.java,b.java with version revision 1.0, through ANT build script we have compiled and created an ear,named c.ear in AIX build server.we have transfered this ear from build server to portal server through FTP using KSHELL.
consider... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: kareemaashik
0 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I'm using sed for Windows at a WinNT command prompt. Wrapping the expressions with single quotes doesn't work. I have to use double quotes. Is this the norm for the Windows implementation? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: daddydojo
2 Replies
10. Programming
hi all,
i need a pro*c compiler ...it's a freeware or castable one...if it is freeware ,then where will we get....
thanks in advance
sarwan (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: sarwan
4 Replies