Perl code to retrieve text from website

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# 1  
Old 03-18-2014
Perl code to retrieve text from website

  perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$s=shift;$c=get("$s/");$c=~/meta content=(.*?)name=\"Remote free\"/msg; print length($1),"\t$1"' ?gclid=CJDg27OdnL0CFcFlOgodFD8A6Q >output.txt

output.txt should be: Chromecast works with devices you already own, including Android tablets and smartphones, iPhones®, iPads®, Chrome for Mac® and Chrome for Windows®. Browse for what to watch, control playback, and adjust volume using your device. You won't have to learn anything new

The script above creates a 1KB file, but it is empty. I have also tried another site with this code with the same result and I do not know why or how to fix it.

 perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$s=shift;$c=get("$s/");$c=~/meta content=(.*?)name=\"Test name\"/msg; print length($1),"\t$1"' #overview

output.txt should be: Whole Exome Sequencing (Exome)

# 2  
Old 03-18-2014
It's cool to compact code; however, when you're debugging as well as requesting help, I suggest you use multiple lines to show the code.

Once you do so, you should evaluate each line to see that it actually returns someting. For example, what does $c evaluate to at each step, as well as other variables.

Try that approach.
# 3  
Old 03-18-2014
perl code to retrieve text from website

 perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$s=shift;$c=get("$s/");
$c=~/meta content=(.*?)name=\"Test name\"/msg; print length($1),"
\t$1"' #overview

The $c is supposed to be meta content in the overview section of ID 508680 from the website. I am putting a specific ID in the code.

output.txt should be Whole Exome Sequencing (Exome). Thanks.
# 4  
Old 03-18-2014
The shell treats anything beginning with # as a comment. You must quote it to get it treated as a string.

perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$s=shift;$c=get("$s/");
$c=~/meta content=(.*?)name=\"Test name\"/msg; print length($1),"
\t$1"' "#overview"

It still doesn't work quite right, but now at least you can get $s in the url.

I don't see "test name" tag value anywhere in that URL incidentally. And the only 'meta content=' tag has a value of 'robots' which doesn't look that useful to me.

Last edited by Corona688; 03-18-2014 at 02:57 PM..
# 5  
Old 03-18-2014
perl code to retrieve data from website

The site: Whole Exome Sequencing - Tests - GTR - NCBI

has 7 tabs (overview, how to order, indication, methodology, performance characteristics, interpretation, labratory contact). Each tab has relavent data in it that I would like to pull. For example the tag "Test name" is in overview. The tag "Method" is also in overview. The tag "Labratory contact" is in Labratory Contact. Thank you.
# 6  
Old 03-18-2014
There is no point adding the #overview to the URL -- it does not change what text is downloaded. # denotes a position inside one document, which Perl does not care about, it downloads the page as one big blob.

You still cannot match name="Test name" because the page does not contain it, anywhere.

The HTML on that page is awful. Smilie I'm still trying to figure out a way to efficiently extract anything from it.
# 7  
Old 03-18-2014
perl code to retrieve text from webpage

So you are saying that regardless of where the Tag is perl downloads all 7 of the tabs as a BLOB and then trys to parse the BLOB for "Test name" which it can not find. Eventhough the text is visually there (attachment), the html on that page is preventing perl from finding it, sorry but I am new to perl and trying to understand better Smilie. Thank you for your help.

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