vim is an acronym for vi improved. Works just like ye olde vi, just has some perks added (such as multiple undo and command recall).
As for your problem with the shell script, I can't quite make out the difference between bash and "a real/true" shell (what's the difference for you anyways? A certain version?). On Linux, using bash and AT&T Korn Shell ( was created on Windows XP using Notepad):
On HP-UX, again using the same shells:
Both AT&Ts Korn Shell and bash are fully (to my knowledge) POSIX compatible shells, based on the original Korn shell. The original Bourne Shell isn't POSIX compatible, neither is the C Shell (and it's successors).
As for bash being a free shell: it's not the only one. AT&Ts Korn Shell has public available source code since 2000, and most Linux distributions have since added it to their repositories (including Cygwin). And then there's ash, dash, zsh, ...
I am still learning shell scripting. Recently I see a function for read configuration. But some of special character make me confused. I checked online to find answer. It was not successful. I post the code here to consult with expert or guru to get better understanding on these special characters... (3 Replies)
for (( i=1; i<=3; i++ )); do
for (( j=1; j<=3; j++ )); do
for (( k=1; k<=3; k++ )); do
echo $i$j$k
Will the above code work on a BOURNE shell?
As far as my understanding is, if I am writing the above code in a file..say and then running it through the terminal using... (7 Replies)
Could some one tell me the difference btw Bourne shell and the Kshell? Which is more flexible and reliable in terms of portability and efficiency. When i type the following command ..
$ echo $SHELL
yields me
Does this tells me that I am in Bourne shell. If yes, how can i get... (6 Replies)
Exercise Five
Write a Bourne shell script which:
• Professionalism: plan for this from the start.
• Has one command line argument.
• If the command line argument is a directory then the script should output the number of
files in the directory.
• If the command line argument is an ordinary... (2 Replies)
Hi All
I have writing a Korn Shell script to execute it on many of our servers. But some servers don't have Korn Shell installed, they use Borne Shell.
Some operations like calculation don't work :
cat ${file1} | tail -$((${num1}-${num2})) > ${file2}
Is it possible to activate Korn Shell... (3 Replies)
Hi, experts.
Whould anybody clear explay me difference and usage of these 3 commands (particulary in bash) :
I've tryed to read the manual pages but did not get much.
Also could not get something useful from Google search - just so much and so not exactly, that is... (3 Replies)
Hi Guys,
My first post and simple one at that .. Really rusty with this shell scripting..\
I have a script called ..
I am calling
where is grep $1 $2 | cut -d',' -f2 .
$BLMBRGDATA is set to a directory path.
why do i get :-
$... (3 Replies)
I have a script that uses "nohup" command to execute a korn shell script. Which one is the correct shell to use bourne shell or korn shell to execute a korn shell? and why?
Thanks in advanced. (2 Replies)
Hi guys !!
well i'm still new in learning UNIX , and actually i'm still studying it by myself ..
anyway, some people told me the Bourne-again shell is a good version of UNIX to work on , and i tried to download yesterday but i didn't know how to start it ...... the ReadMe file associated with... (3 Replies)