Compilation problem with gfortran

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Top Forums Programming Compilation problem with gfortran
# 15  
Old 08-03-2011
My SRTM data sample has the following description:

ncols 6001
nrows 6001
xllcorner -10.000416206603
yllcorner 34.999583430181
cellsize 0.00083333333333333
NODATA_value -9999

Is this useful informations?
# 16  
Old 08-03-2011

We use the finger to help see the moon, but we should not mix up the finger and the moon.

Is the description of the data the same as the data? ... cheers, drl
# 17  
Old 08-03-2011
Yes this is the description of the data that I want to convert using the fortran program.
# 18  
Old 08-03-2011

Please post the output from:
head -10 rd_wr_formatted.exe srtm_35_05.asc | cut -c1-78

cheers, drl
# 19  
Old 08-03-2011
here is the output:

==> rd_wr_formatted.exe <==

�D$`��������$������$�������������Dž �����Dž$���
��\����$�    ���������D$
                          �]�E �������U$�������M(�������E,�������U0���

==> srtm_35_05.asc <==
ncols         6001
nrows         6001
xllcorner     -10.000416206603
yllcorner     34.999583430181
cellsize      0.00083333333333333
NODATA_value  -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999

# 20  
Old 08-03-2011

Your data file srtm_35_05.asc looks like this:
ncols         6001
nrows         6001
xllcorner     -10.000416206603
yllcorner     34.999583430181
cellsize      0.00083333333333333
NODATA_value  -9999
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 
-9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999

and your program is attempting to read this data with this code:
    do j=1,ny
       read(10,33) (rarray(i,j),i=1,nx)
       write(*,*) i,j,rarray(nx,j)
    end do
 33    format(f6.1, 12000f7.1)

So the first real data line is line 7. The read will fail on the first 6 lines because the format is not correct -- the first items on those lines are not numeric.

Perhaps we should back up here.

How much programming experience do you have?

What is your purpose in trying to analyze this data -- research?, working on a degree?, helping someone? other?

cheers, drl
# 21  
Old 08-03-2011
Ok... I better understand now!

My purpose of trying to analyse this data is for research. Unfortunately I don't have lot of programming experience, that's why I'm maybe asking silly questions...

---------- Post updated at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:02 AM ----------

It worked! I erased the first 6 lines of the data file. And I changed the read(10,33) to read(10,*) and it worked...

Thanks a lot for you help! You kind of save my life!


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