Compilation problem on HP-UX

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# 1  
Old 02-19-2008
Compilation problem on HP-UX


Environment : HP-UX avalon B.11.11 U 9000/800 3547052374 unlimited-user license

aCC version :aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.37

I need to find a way out of this errors.can anyone help me .

$ aCC -I$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/public -I/disk1/oracle/product/*

Error (future) 600: "/disk1/oracle/product/", line 269 # Type specifier is omitted; "int" is no longer assumed.
typedef OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::basic_string<utext> UString;
Error 20: "/disk1/oracle/product/", line 269 # ';' expected before '::'.
typedef OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::basic_string<utext> UString;
Error 448: "/disk1/oracle/product/", line 522 # Operator '::' must be preceded by a name of a namespace or class; 'std'
is neither.

Please guide me
# 2  
Old 02-19-2008
I do not know specifically, but try a search the HP forums - you probably are missing
a -D<something> statement on the command line.

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