Script to Reprogramme Keyboard?

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Old 07-22-2009
Script to Reprogramme Keyboard?

This might be sort of an oddball question, but enthusiastic Google searching hasn't led me in any promising directions, whether due to lack of knowledge on my part or the fact that no one is as mean-spirited.

So, let's say I knew this ridiculously awful person, who just happened to regularly leave out semi-colons in shared PHP code, thereby breaking a website that a number of people are working on during the day. Let's say that when various entities point out the issue, this person spends at least 15 minutes trying to 'debug' the problem, despite being given the line number of the error by numerous shouting voices around the office (we just take a lot of coffee breaks now).

Say one of these frustrated workers came up with an idea one day to reprogramme this guy's keyboard so every 20th key he hit was a semi-colon, or else, to just make every key always be a semi-colon. Is there a way, either through the terminal or via a script that could be dumped somewhere, to do this?

The offender has a mac running OSX, and regularly leaves it logged in and unattended. However, he's never gone for very long, so whatever needed to be done would have to be done quickly.

Believe me, if I listed the amount of annoying things this guy did, you'd understand that he really has this coming. An entire office of PHP developers would thank you for your help, not only for the bellyache they would get laughing, but also for the distraction from the code base this would provide! Smilie
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Finance::QuoteHist::Google(3pm) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   Finance::QuoteHist::Google(3pm)

Finance::QuoteHist::Google - Site-specific class for retrieving historical stock quotes. SYNOPSIS
use Finance::QuoteHist::Google; $q = Finance::QuoteHist::Google->new ( symbols => [qw(IBM UPS AMZN)], start_date => '01/01/1999', end_date => 'today', ); foreach $row ($q->quotes()) { ($symbol, $date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row; ... } DESCRIPTION
Finance::QuoteHist::Google is a subclass of Finance::QuoteHist::Generic, specifically tailored to read historical quotes from the Google web site ( Google does not currently provide information on dividends or splits. Please see Finance::QuoteHist::Generic(3) for more details on usage and available methods. If you just want to get historical quotes and are not interested in the details of how it is done, check out Finance::QuoteHist(3). METHODS
The basic user interface consists of a single method, as shown in the example above. That method is: quotes() Returns a list of rows (or a reference to an array containing those rows, if in scalar context). Each row contains the Symbol, Date, Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume for that date. Quote values are pre-adjusted for this site. REQUIRES
Finance::QuoteHist::Generic DISCLAIMER
The data returned from these modules is in no way guaranteed, nor are the developers responsible in any way for how this data (or lack thereof) is used. The interface is based on URLs and page layouts that might change at any time. Even though these modules are designed to be adaptive under these circumstances, they will at some point probably be unable to retrieve data unless fixed or provided with new parameters. Furthermore, the data from these web sites is usually not even guaranteed by the web sites themselves, and oftentimes is acquired elsewhere. Details for Googles's terms of use can be found here: If you still have concerns, then use another site-specific historical quote instance, or none at all. Above all, play nice. AUTHOR
Matthew P. Sisk, <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Matthew P. Sisk. All rights reserved. All wrongs revenged. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
Finance::QuoteHist::Generic(3), Finance::QuoteHist(3), perl(1). perl v5.12.4 2010-06-07 Finance::QuoteHist::Google(3pm)