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sandbox_init(3) [osx man page]

SANDBOX_INIT(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   SANDBOX_INIT(3)

sandbox_init, sandbox_free_error -- set process sandbox (DEPRECATED) SYNOPSIS
#include <sandbox.h> int sandbox_init(const char *profile, uint64_t flags, char **errorbuf); void sandbox_free_error(char *errorbuf); DESCRIPTION
The sandbox_init() and sandbox_free_error() functions are DEPRECATED. Developers who wish to sandbox an app should instead adopt the App Sandbox feature described in the App Sandbox Design Guide. The sandbox_init() function places the current process into a sandbox(7). The NUL-terminated string profile specifies the profile to be used to configure the sandbox. The flags specified are formed by or'ing the following values: SANDBOX_NAMED The profile argument specifies a sandbox profile named by one of the constants given in the AVAILABLE PROFILES sec- tion below. The out parameter *errorbuf will be set according to the error status. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion of sandbox_init(), a value of 0 is returned and *errorbuf is set to NULL. In the event of an error, a value of -1 is returned and *errorbuf is set to a pointer to a NUL-terminated string describing the error. This string may contain embedded newlines. This error information is suitable for developers and is not intended for end users. This pointer should be passed to sandbox_free_error(3) to release the allocated storage when it is no longer needed. AVAILABLE PROFILES
The following are brief descriptions of each available profile. Keep in mind that sandbox(7) restrictions are typically enforced at resource acquisition time. kSBXProfileNoInternet TCP/IP networking is prohibited. kSBXProfileNoNetwork All sockets-based networking is prohibited. kSBXProfileNoWrite File system writes are prohibited. kSBXProfileNoWriteExceptTemporary File system writes are restricted to the temporary folder /var/tmp and the folder specified by the confstr(3) configuration variable _CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR. kSBXProfilePureComputation All operating system services are prohibited. SEE ALSO
sandbox-exec(1), sandbox(7), sandboxd(8) Mac OS X November 15, 2011 Mac OS X

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CAP_ENTER(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      CAP_ENTER(2)

cap_enter, cap_getmode -- Capability mode system calls LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/capsicum.h> int cap_enter(void); int cap_getmode(u_int *modep); DESCRIPTION
cap_enter() places the current process into capability mode, a mode of execution in which processes may only issue system calls operating on file descriptors or reading limited global system state. Access to global name spaces, such as file system or IPC name spaces, is prevented. If the process is already in a capability mode sandbox, the system call is a no-op. Future process descendants created with fork(2) or pdfork(2) will be placed in capability mode from inception. When combined with cap_rights_limit(2), cap_ioctls_limit(2), cap_fcntls_limit(2), cap_enter() may be used to create kernel-enforced sandboxes in which appropriately-crafted applications or application components may be run. cap_getmode() returns a flag indicating whether or not the process is in a capability mode sandbox. CAVEAT
Creating effective process sandboxes is a tricky process that involves identifying the least possible rights required by the process and then passing those rights into the process in a safe manner. Consumers of cap_enter() should also be aware of other inherited rights, such as access to VM resources, memory contents, and other process properties that should be considered. It is advisable to use fexecve(2) to create a runtime environment inside the sandbox that has as few implicitly acquired rights as possible. RETURN VALUES
The cap_enter() and cap_getmode() functions return the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The cap_enter() and cap_getmode() system calls will fail if: [ENOSYS] The kernel is compiled without: options CAPABILITY_MODE The cap_getmode() system call may also return the following error: [EFAULT] Pointer modep points outside the process's allocated address space. SEE ALSO
cap_fcntls_limit(2), cap_ioctls_limit(2), cap_rights_limit(2), fexecve(2), cap_sandboxed(3), capsicum(4) HISTORY
Support for capabilities and capabilities mode was developed as part of the TrustedBSD Project. AUTHORS
These functions and the capability facility were created by Robert N. M. Watson at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with sup- port from a grant from Google, Inc. BSD
March 27, 2014 BSD
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