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sandbox(7) [osx man page]

SANDBOX(7)					       BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual						SANDBOX(7)

sandbox -- overview of the sandbox facility SYNOPSIS
#include <sandbox.h> DESCRIPTION
The sandbox facility allows applications to voluntarily restrict their access to operating system resources. This safety mechanism is intended to limit potential damage in the event that a vulnerability is exploited. It is not a replacement for other operating system access controls. New processes inherit the sandbox of their parent. Restrictions are generally enforced upon acquisition of operating system resources only. For example, if file system writes are restricted, an application will not be able to open(2) a file for writing. However, if the applica- tion already has a file descriptor opened for writing, it may use that file descriptor regardless of restrictions. SEE ALSO
sandbox-exec(1), sandbox_init(3), sandboxd(8) Mac OS X January 29, 2010 Mac OS X

Check Out this Related Man Page

SANDBOX_INIT(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   SANDBOX_INIT(3)

sandbox_init, sandbox_free_error -- set process sandbox (DEPRECATED) SYNOPSIS
#include <sandbox.h> int sandbox_init(const char *profile, uint64_t flags, char **errorbuf); void sandbox_free_error(char *errorbuf); DESCRIPTION
The sandbox_init() and sandbox_free_error() functions are DEPRECATED. Developers who wish to sandbox an app should instead adopt the App Sandbox feature described in the App Sandbox Design Guide. The sandbox_init() function places the current process into a sandbox(7). The NUL-terminated string profile specifies the profile to be used to configure the sandbox. The flags specified are formed by or'ing the following values: SANDBOX_NAMED The profile argument specifies a sandbox profile named by one of the constants given in the AVAILABLE PROFILES sec- tion below. The out parameter *errorbuf will be set according to the error status. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion of sandbox_init(), a value of 0 is returned and *errorbuf is set to NULL. In the event of an error, a value of -1 is returned and *errorbuf is set to a pointer to a NUL-terminated string describing the error. This string may contain embedded newlines. This error information is suitable for developers and is not intended for end users. This pointer should be passed to sandbox_free_error(3) to release the allocated storage when it is no longer needed. AVAILABLE PROFILES
The following are brief descriptions of each available profile. Keep in mind that sandbox(7) restrictions are typically enforced at resource acquisition time. kSBXProfileNoInternet TCP/IP networking is prohibited. DEPRECATED. kSBXProfileNoNetwork All sockets-based networking is prohibited. DEPRECATED. kSBXProfileNoWrite File system writes are prohibited. DEPRECATED. kSBXProfileNoWriteExceptTemporary File system writes are restricted to the temporary folder /var/tmp and the folder specified by the confstr(3) configuration variable _CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR. DEPRECATED. kSBXProfilePureComputation All operating system services are prohibited. DEPRECATED. SEE ALSO
sandbox-exec(1), sandbox(7), sandboxd(8) Mac OS X March 9, 2017 Mac OS X
Man Page

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