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patchmedia(1m) [opensolaris man page]

patchmedia(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    patchmedia(1M)

patchmedia - modify Solaris media with patches and packages SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/patchmedia -d media-root [-v] [-o iso] [-l label] pkg_or_patch [pkg_or_patch ...] DESCRIPTION
The patchmedia utility takes a list of patches and packages as input and updates the install miniroot in media-root (the root directory of an on-disk image of a Solaris installation media) to include the specified patches and packages. These patches and packages are also placed in a subdirectory called DU under the Solaris install image. For example: media-root/Solaris_10/DU When booting a system from the updated media, the patches and packages will be part of the booted Solaris image. They will also be applied to the target system being installed at the end of the installation process. If -o is specified, a bootable ISO image is created in the file media.iso that contains the Solaris install media. The ISO image can then be burned onto a CD/DVD with utilities such as cdrw(1) or cdrecord(1). (The latter is not a SunOS man page.) OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d media-root Top-level directory of on-disk image of Solaris installation media. This is option must be specified. -o iso Create a Solaris ISO image of media-root. -l label Label/volume name of the ISO image (if -o option is specified). If -o is not specified, the name of Solaris directory under media-root, for example, Solaris_10, will be used. -v Verbose. Multiple -v options increase verbosity. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: pkg_or_patch [pkg_or_patch ...] One or more patches or packages (you can have both patches and packages in a single command) with which the Solaris installation media media-root will be updated. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Updating a Solaris Install Image with Patch and Package The following command updates the Solaris install image in s10u1 by adding patch 123456-07 and package SUNWfoo. # /usr/bin/patchmedia -d s10u1 SUNWfoo 123456-07 ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Committed | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
cdrw(1), mkcd(1M), attributes(5) mkisofs(8), (/usr/share/man/man8/mkisofs.8), in the SUNWfsman package (not a SunOS man page) SunOS 5.11 29 Jul 2008 patchmedia(1M)

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install-solaris(1M)                                                                                                            install-solaris(1M)

install-solaris - install the Solaris operating system SYNOPSIS
install-solaris install-solaris invokes the Solaris Install program. Depending on graphical capability and available memory at the time of invocation, install-solaris invokes either a text-based installer or a graphical installer. The following minimum requirements for physical memory dictate which features are available during installation: For SPARC machines: 128 MB Minimum physical memory for all installation types 128 MB Minimum physical memory required for windowing system 384 MB Minimum physical memory required for graphical-based installation For x86 machines: 256 MB Minimum physical memory for all installation types 256 MB Minimum physical memory required for windowing system 512 MB Minimum physical memory required for graphical-based installation In some cases, even if the minimum physical memory is present, available virtual memory after system startup can limit the number of fea- tures available. install-solaris exists only on the Solaris installation media (CD or DVD) and should be invoked only from there. Refer to the for more details. install-solaris allows installation of the operating system onto any standalone system. install-solaris loads the software available on the installation media. Refer to the for disk space requirements. Refer to the for more information on the various menus and selections. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcdrom (Solaris instal- | | |lation media) | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ pkginfo(1), install(1M), pkgadd(1M), attributes(5) It is advisable to exit install-solaris by means of the exit options in the install-solaris menus. 23 Sep 2005 install-solaris(1M)
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