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gvfs-mkdir(1) [opensolaris man page]

gvfs-mkdir(1)							   User Commands						     gvfs-mkdir(1)

gvfs-mkdir - make a directory using the VFS system SYNOPSIS
gvfs-mkdir makes a directory specified by an URI using the VFS system. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: URI Specifies the file location in standard URI format. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Create a local directory example% gvfs-mkdir file:///tmp/example Example 2: Create a remote directory example% gvfs-mkdir ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables: NLSPATH. EXIT STATUS
The exit value 0 is returned regardless of success or failure. FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/gvfs-mkdir Executable to make a directory using the VFS system ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-gvfs | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Volatile | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
gvfs-copy(1), gvfs-info(1), gvfs-less(1), gvfs-ls(1), gvfs-cat(1) gvfs-monitor-dir(1), gvfs-monitor-file(1), gvfs-mount(1), gvfs-move(1), gvfs-open(1), gvfs-rm(1), gvfs-save(1), gvfs-trash(1), gvfs-tree(1), attributes(5), environ(5) NOTES
Written by Alvaro Lopez Ortega, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2008. SunOS 5.11 25 Mar 2008 gvfs-mkdir(1)

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gvfs-save(1)							   User Commands						      gvfs-save(1)

gvfs-save - save information to a file using the VFS system SYNOPSIS
gvfs-save [-b] [-c] [-a] [-p] [-v] [-e] URI DESCRIPTION
gvfs-save saves information to a file using the VFS system. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -b Create backup -c Only create if not existing -a Append to end of the file -p When creating a file, restrict access to the current user only -v Print etag that the end -e The etag of the file being overwritting EXAMPLES
Example 1: Append a string to the end of a local file example% echo "hello" | gvfs-save file:///tmp/example Example 2: Append a file to a remote file storing a backup example% gvfs-cat file:///tmp/file | gvfs-save -b smb://server/dir/file ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables: NLSPATH. EXIT STATUS
The exit value 0 is returned regardless of success or failure. FILES
The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/gvfs-save Executable to save information to a file using the VFS system ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-gvfs | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Volatile | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
gvfs-copy(1), gvfs-cat(1), gvfs-less(1), gvfs-ls(1), gvfs-mkdir(1) gvfs-monitor-dir(1), gvfs-monitor-file(1), gvfs-mount(1), gvfs-move(1), gvfs-rename(1), gvfs-open(1), gvfs-rm(1), gvfs-info(1), gvfs-trash(1), gvfs-tree(1), attributes(5), environ(5) NOTES
Written by Alvaro Lopez Ortega, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2008. SunOS 5.11 25 Mar 2008 gvfs-save(1)
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