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xge(4) [netbsd man page]

XGE(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    XGE(4)

xge -- Neterion Xframe-I Ten Gigabit Ethernet driver SYNOPSIS
xge* at pci? dev ? function ? DESCRIPTION
The xge device driver supports the Neterion Xframe-I LR Ethernet adapter, which uses a single mode fiber (1310nm) interface. The Xframe supports IPv4/TCP/UDP checksumming in hardware, as well as TCP Segmentation Offloading (TSO) and hardware VLAN handling. The driver currently does not support the hardware VLAN feature. See ifconfig(8) for information on how to enable TSO and hardware checksum cal- culation. DIAGNOSTICS
xge%s: failed configuring endian, %llx != %llx! The Xframe could not be turned into the correct endian operation. This is most likely a hardware error. xge%d: failed allocating txmem. xge%d: failed allocating rxmem. The computer has run out of kernel memory. xge%d: adapter not quiescent, aborting xge%d: ADAPTER_STATUS missing bits %s The Xframe could not be turned into a usable state. Most likely an Xframe hardware error. xge%d: cannot create TX DMA maps xge%d: cannot create RX DMA maps This error is either a kernel error or that the kernel has run out of available memory. xge%d: bad compiler struct alignment, %d != %d The compiler did not align the structure correctly. This is a compiler problem. SEE ALSO
arp(4), ifmedia(4), netintro(4), pci(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The xge driver first appeared in NetBSD 3.0. AUTHORS
The xge driver was written by Anders Magnusson <>. BUGS
There should be an XGMII framework for the driver to use. BSD
September 9, 2005 BSD

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xge(7D) 							      Devices								   xge(7D)

xge - Neterion Xframe 10Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter driver SYNOPSIS
The xge 10 Gigabit Ethernet driver is a multi-threaded, loadable, clonable, GLD-based STREAMS driver supporting the Data Link Provider Interface, dlpi(7P), on S2IO Xframe 10-Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter. The xge driver functions includes controller initialization, frame transmit and receive, promiscuous and multicast support, TCP and UDP checksum offload (IPv4 and IPv6), 9622-byte jumbo frame, and error recovery and reporting. The xge driver and hardware support the 10GBase-SR/W, LR/W, and ER/W 802.3 physical layer. APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE
The cloning, character-special device /dev/xge is used to access all Xframe devices installed within the system. The xge driver is managed by the dladm(1M) command line utility, which allows VLANs to be defined on top of xge instances and for xge instances to be aggregated. See dladm(1M) for more details. The values returned by the driver in the DL_INFO_ACK primitive in response to the DL_INFO_REQ are as follows: o Maximum SDU is 9600. o Minimum SDU is 0. o DSLAP address length is 8 bytes. o MAC type is DL_ETHER. o SAP length value is -2 meaning the physical address component is followed immediately by a 2-byte sap component within the DLSAP address. o Broadcast address value is Ethernet/IEEE broadcast address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF). CONFIGURATION
By default, the xge driver works without any configuration file. You can check the running-time status of a device instance using ndd(1M). Currently, the driver provides an interface to print all hard- ware statistics. For example, to print statistics of device xge0: #ndd /dev/xge0 stats tmac_data_octets 772 tmac_frms 15 tmac_drop_frms 0 tmac_bcst_frms 6 tmac_mcst_frms 6 ... rmac_vld_frms 13 rmac_fcs_err_frms 0 rmac_drop_frms 0 rmac_vld_bcst_frms 7 rmac_vld_mcst_frms 11 rmac_out_rng_len_err_frms 0 rmac_in_rng_len_err_frms 0 rmac_long_frms 0 ... not_traffic_intr_cnt 242673 traffic_intr_cnt 28 ... FILES
/dev/xge xge special character device ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |Architecture x86 | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ SEE ALSO
dladm(1M), ndd(1M), attributes(5), streamio(7I), dlpi(7P) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide Network Interfaces Programmer's Guide SunOS 5.11 3 Oct 2005 xge(7D)
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