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optionprocess(3) [centos man page]

optionProcess(3)						Programmer's Manual						  optionProcess(3)

optionProcess - this is the main option processing routine SYNOPSIS
#include <your-opts.h> cc [...] -o outfile infile.c -lopts [...] int optionProcess(tOptions* opts, int a_ct, char** a_v); DESCRIPTION
This is the main entry point for processing options. It is intended that this procedure be called once at the beginning of the execution of a program. Depending on options selected earlier, it is sometimes necessary to stop and restart option processing, or to select com- pletely different sets of options. This can be done easily, but you generally do not want to do this. The number of arguments processed always includes the program name. If one of the arguments is "--", then it is counted and the processing stops. If an error was encountered and errors are to be tolerated, then the returned value is the index of the argument causing the error. A hyphen by itself ("-") will also cause processing to stop and will not be counted among the processed arguments. A hyphen by itself is treated as an operand. Encountering an operand stops option processing. opts program options descriptor a_ct program arg count a_v program arg vector RETURN VALUE
the count of the arguments processed ERRORS
Errors will cause diagnostics to be printed. exit(3) may or may not be called. It depends upon whether or not the options were generated with the "allow-errors" attribute, or if the ERRSKIP_OPTERR or ERRSTOP_OPTERR macros were invoked. SEE ALSO
The info documentation for the -lopts library. ao_string_tokenize(3), configFileLoad(3), optionFileLoad(3), optionFindNextValue(3), optionFindValue(3), optionFree(3), optionGetValue(3), optionLoadLine(3), optionMemberList(3), optionNextValue(3), optionOnlyUsage(3), optionRestore(3), optionSaveFile(3), optionSaveState(3), optionUnloadNested(3), optionVersion(3), strequate(3), streqvcmp(3), streqvmap(3), strneqvcmp(3), strtransform(3), 2014-06-10 optionProcess(3)

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ao_string_tokenize(3)						Programmer's Manual					     ao_string_tokenize(3)

ao_string_tokenize - tokenize an input string SYNOPSIS
#include <your-opts.h> cc [...] -o outfile infile.c -lopts [...] token_list_t* ao_string_tokenize(char const* string); DESCRIPTION
This function will convert one input string into a list of strings. The list of strings is derived by separating the input based on white space separation. However, if the input contains either single or double quote characters, then the text after that character up to a matching quote will become the string in the list. The returned pointer should be deallocated with free(3C) when are done using the data. The data are placed in a single block of allocated memory. Do not deallocate individual token/strings. The structure pointed to will contain at least these two fields: tkn_ct The number of tokens found in the input string. tok_list An array of tkn_ct + 1 pointers to substring tokens, with the last pointer set to NULL. There are two types of quoted strings: single quoted (') and double quoted ("). Singly quoted strings are fairly raw in that escape char- acters () are simply another character, except when preceding the following characters: double backslashes reduce to one ' incorporates the single quote into the string 0fP suppresses both the backslash and newline character Double quote strings are formed according to the rules of string constants in ANSI-C programs. string string to be tokenized RETURN VALUE
pointer to a structure that lists each token ERRORS
NULL is returned and errno will be set to indicate the problem: EINVAL - There was an unterminated quoted string. ENOENT - The input string was empty. ENOMEM - There is not enough memory. @end itemize EXAMPLES
#include <stdlib.h> int ix; token_list_t* ptl = ao_string_tokenize( some_string ) for (ix = 0; ix < ptl->tkn_ct; ix++) do_something_with_tkn( ptl->tkn_list[ix] ); free( ptl ); Note that everything is freed with the one call to free(3C). SEE ALSO
The info documentation for the -lopts library. configFileLoad(3), optionFileLoad(3), optionFindNextValue(3), optionFindValue(3), optionFree(3), optionGetValue(3), optionLoadLine(3), optionNextValue(3), optionOnlyUsage(3), optionProcess(3), optionRestore(3), optionSaveFile(3), optionSaveState(3), optionUnloadNested(3), optionVersion(3), pathfind(3), strequate(3), streqvcmp(3), streqvmap(3), strneqvcmp(3), strtransform(3), 2010-07-05 ao_string_tokenize(3)
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