I need help with lilo

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Special Forums Hardware Filesystems, Disks and Memory I need help with lilo
# 1  
Old 03-29-2002
Question I need help with lilo

Smilie I've been trying to figure out what happen to Windows 2000 since I upgrade my partition of Red Hat 7.1 to 7.2. Before I even upgraded my system would dual boot both OS's now it only sees Linux in lilo. Can some one help me I'm in need of help. Can you tell me what I'm missing in my script. I can't load 2000 again because I have very important file that I need to keep.

THANKS:!!! Smilie
# 2  
Old 03-31-2002
On your situation, your Win partition is not really lost. Its just hideing in the partition place. Check your /ec/lilo.conf are you able to see both OS's summarise on it ? Can you ? If you can then it should be a problem. Another way to settel this problem is rearrange the lilo structure or the way it boots back to normal. Type /sbin/lilo as soon as you type you might see something like this:
Added Linux
Added Windows
Added * Swap

If you able to see this, that means your lilo configuration have succesfully arranged the file system to get ready for dual boot.
Give a try.. post back if that doesnt help.
# 3  
Old 04-01-2002
you meaby lose you windows label.
reconfigure your lilo.conf file and wirte the changes in the mbr with the lilo command.
# 4  
Old 04-04-2002
MySQL Lilo

Thanks to all that help, I have both OS's working and couldn't of done it w/out the help that you gave

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