access hda from linux on hdb

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Old 10-31-2002
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MKFS.MINIX(8)                                                  System Administration                                                 MKFS.MINIX(8)

mkfs.minix - make a Minix filesystem SYNOPSIS
mkfs.minix [options] device [size-in-blocks] DESCRIPTION
mkfs.minix creates a Linux MINIX filesystem on a device (usually a disk partition). The device is usually of the following form: /dev/hda[1-8] (IDE disk 1) /dev/hdb[1-8] (IDE disk 2) /dev/sda[1-8] (SCSI disk 1) /dev/sdb[1-8] (SCSI disk 2) The device may be a block device or a image file of one, but this is not enforced. Expect not much fun on a character device :-). The size-in-blocks parameter is the desired size of the file system, in blocks. It is present only for backwards compatibility. If omit- ted the size will be determined automatically. Only block counts strictly greater than 10 and strictly less than 65536 are allowed. OPTIONS
-c, --check Check the device for bad blocks before creating the filesystem. If any are found, the count is printed. -n, --namelength length Specify the maximum length of filenames. Currently, the only allowable values are 14 and 30 for file system versions 1 and 2. Ver- sion 3 allows only value 60. The default is 30. -i, --inodes number Specify the number of inodes for the filesystem. -l, --badblocks filename Read the list of bad blocks from filename. The file has one bad-block number per line. The count of bad blocks read is printed. -1 Make a Minix version 1 filesystem. This is the default. -2, -v Make a Minix version 2 filesystem. -3 Make a Minix version 3 filesystem. -V, --version Display version information and exit. The long option cannot be combined with other options. -h, --help Display help text and exit. EXIT CODES
The exit code returned by mkfs.minix is one of the following: 0 No errors 8 Operational error 16 Usage or syntax error SEE ALSO
fsck(8), mkfs(8), reboot(8) AVAILABILITY
The mkfs.minix command is part of the util-linux package and is available from util-linux June 2015 MKFS.MINIX(8)