New Drive problems

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# 8  
Old 08-30-2002
Thanx for replying ...
Yes the drive is an internal drive...
The drive is a fujitsu 3184 .. a low voltage diffrential
My previous drive is a Single ended drive ..
U kno maybe that is the problem ..

i guess i have the wrong drive .. got to get it replaced


Last edited by DPAI; 08-30-2002 at 12:19 PM..
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SDL_CDOpen(3)							 SDL API Reference						     SDL_CDOpen(3)

SDL_CDOpen- Opens a CD-ROM drive for access. SYNOPSIS
#include "SDL.h" SDL_CD *SDL_CDOpen(int drive); DESCRIPTION
Opens a CD-ROM drive for access. It returns a SDL_CD structure on success, or NULL if the drive was invalid or busy. This newly opened CD- ROM becomes the default CD used when other CD functions are passed a NULL CD-ROM handle. Drives are numbered starting with 0. Drive 0 is the system default CD-ROM. EXAMPLES
SDL_CD *cdrom; int cur_track; int min, sec, frame; SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_CDROM); atexit(SDL_Quit); /* Check for CD drives */ if(!SDL_CDNumDrives()){ /* None found */ fprintf(stderr, "No CDROM devices available "); exit(-1); } /* Open the default drive */ cdrom=SDL_CDOpen(0); /* Did if open? Check if cdrom is NULL */ if(!cdrom){ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open drive: %s ", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } /* Print Volume info */ printf("Name: %s ", SDL_CDName(0)); printf("Tracks: %d ", cdrom->numtracks); for(cur_track=0;cur_track < cdrom->numtracks; cur_track++){ FRAMES_TO_MSF(cdrom->track[cur_track].length, &min, &sec, &frame); printf(" Track %d: Length %d:%d ", cur_track, min, sec); } SDL_CDClose(cdrom); SEE ALSO
Tue 11 Sep 2001, 22:58 SDL_CDOpen(3)