OpenBSD: dircolors?

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# 1  
Old 05-12-2002
OpenBSD: dircolors?

Hi, I'm wondering how I can get colors on the stuff that ls prints out in OpenBSD?

# 2  
Old 05-12-2002
Assuming you're using bash (and a color terminal!)

Add to ~/.bash_profile:

alias ls="ls --color=tty"

You may have to set up an $LS_COLORS variable, but try that first to see if you really need one...
# 3  
Old 05-13-2002
That doesn't work.. probably I dont use a color terminal..

I use 'ansi'.. what should I assign to the $LS_COLORS variable?

# 4  
Old 05-13-2002
Hmm, TERM=ansi...
It sounds like my old enemy, Windows Telnet.

But back to your question....

I just tried it out on my OpenBSD box to no avail!
I had "regular" ls and GNU ls confused...

You could get and install GNU ls (fileutils package), along with dircolors, and related config files if you really wanted it...

Sorry to be misleading before...
# 5  
Old 05-13-2002
Ok, thanks for the replies Smilie

By the way, I dont use windows telnet.. I use the ssh/telnet-client 'putty' Smilie
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