Variable Size Problem

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Old 09-17-2007
Variable Size Problem

Hello Everyone,

I am currently working with a DB2 (ver 8.1) table (Newly Created) and I am running a basic DB2 Select query into a variable. The field and it's size are VARCHAR(20). Since I need to pass the variable through some java I have noticed that when the results come back from the query there are extra spaces. Even if I use the RTRIM or LTRIM I still receive the spaces.

Is there a way to set a variable lenght before the results of a query are passed to it?

I would like to do the following,

variable1=`db2 -xn "length(rtrim(field1)) from Database"`
if (( variable1 == 16 ))
set $variable2 lenght to 16
variable2=`db2 -xn "select LTRIM(RTRIM(field1)) from Database"`

Then I can pass $variable2 through the java.

I know it doesn't make much sense but it's what I need, hopefully.

thanks in advance...........Smilie

Last edited by Bob_Loblaw; 09-17-2007 at 04:36 PM..
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DB2_CLIENT_INFO(3)							 1							DB2_CLIENT_INFO(3)

db2_client_info - Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client

object db2_client_info (resource $connection) DESCRIPTION
This function returns an object with read-only properties that return information about the DB2 database client. The following table lists the DB2 client properties: DB2 client properties +---------------------+--------------------------------------+---+ | Property name | | | | | | | | | Return type | | | | | | | | Description | | | | | | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+---+ | APPL_CODEPAGE | | | | | | | | | int | | | | | | | | The application code page. | | | | | | | CONN_CODEPAGE | | | | | | | | | int | | | | | | | | The code page for the current con- | | | | nection. | | | | | | | DATA_SOURCE_NAME | | | | | | | | | string | | | | | | | | The data source name (DSN) used to | | | | create the current connection to the | | | | database. | | | | | | | DRIVER_NAME | | | | | | | | | string | | | | | | | | The name of the library that imple- | | | | ments the DB2 Call Level Interface | | | | (CLI) specification. | | | | | | | DRIVER_ODBC_VER | | | | | | | | | string | | | | | | | | The version of ODBC that the DB2 | | | | client supports. This returns a | | | | string "" where $MM is the | | | | major version and $mm is the minor | | | | version. The DB2 client always | | | | returns "03.51". | | | | | | | DRIVER_VER | | | | | | | | | string | | | | | | | | The version of the client, in the | | | | form of a string "" where | | | | $MM is the major version, $mm is the | | | | minor version, and $uuuu is the | | | | update. For example, "08.02.0001" | | | | represents major version 8, minor | | | | version 2, update 1. | | | | | | |ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE | | | | | | | | | string | | | | | | | | The level of ODBC SQL grammar sup- | | | | ported by the client: | | | | | | | | o MINIMUM | | | | - Supports the mini- | | | | mum ODBC SQL gram- | | | | mar. | | | | | | | | o CORE | | | | - Supports the core | | | | ODBC SQL grammar. | | | | | | | | o EXTENDED | | | | - Supports extended | | | | ODBC SQL grammar. | | | | | | | ODBC_VER | | | | | | | | | string | | | | | | | | The version of ODBC that the ODBC | | | | driver manager supports. This | | | | returns a string "" where | | | | $MM is the major version, $mm is the | | | | minor version, and $rrrr is the | | | | release. The DB2 client always | | | | returns "03.01.0000". | | | | | | +---------------------+--------------------------------------+---+ PARAMETERS
o $connection - Specifies an active DB2 client connection. RETURN VALUES
Returns an object on a successful call. Returns FALSE on failure. EXAMPLES
Example #1 A db2_client_info(3) example To retrieve information about the client, you must pass a valid database connection resource to db2_client_info(3). <?php $conn = db2_connect( 'SAMPLE', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2' ); $client = db2_client_info( $conn ); if ($client) { echo "DRIVER_NAME: "; var_dump( $client->DRIVER_NAME ); echo "DRIVER_VER: "; var_dump( $client->DRIVER_VER ); echo "DATA_SOURCE_NAME: "; var_dump( $client->DATA_SOURCE_NAME ); echo "DRIVER_ODBC_VER: "; var_dump( $client->DRIVER_ODBC_VER ); echo "ODBC_VER: "; var_dump( $client->ODBC_VER ); echo "ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE: "; var_dump( $client->ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE ); echo "APPL_CODEPAGE: "; var_dump( $client->APPL_CODEPAGE ); echo "CONN_CODEPAGE: "; var_dump( $client->CONN_CODEPAGE ); } else { echo "Error retrieving client information. Perhaps your database connection was invalid."; } db2_close($conn); ?> The above example will output: DRIVER_NAME: string(8) "libdb2.a" DRIVER_VER: string(10) "08.02.0001" DATA_SOURCE_NAME: string(6) "SAMPLE" DRIVER_ODBC_VER: string(5) "03.51" ODBC_VER: string(10) "03.01.0000" ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE: string(8) "EXTENDED" APPL_CODEPAGE: int(819) CONN_CODEPAGE: int(819) SEE ALSO
db2_server_info(3). PHP Documentation Group DB2_CLIENT_INFO(3)