Where can I download Solaris 8 or any new Unix Software???

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Where can I download Solaris 8 or any new Unix Software???
# 8  
Old 01-28-2002
Check one of my recent posts on where to go to get Solaris OS.

Also, go to the www.sun.com and go to the "downloads" page.

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MOUNTPOINT(1)							   User Commands						     MOUNTPOINT(1)

mountpoint - see if a directory is a mountpoint SYNOPSIS
mountpoint [-q] [-d] directory mountpoint -x device DESCRIPTION
mountpoint checks if the directory is mentioned in the /proc/self/mountinfo file. OPTIONS
-h, --help Print help and exit. -q, --quiet Be quiet - don't print anything. -d, --fs-devno Print major/minor device number of the filesystem on stdout. -x, --devno Print major/minor device number of the blockdevice on stdout. EXIT STATUS
Zero if the directory is a mountpoint, non-zero if not. AUTHOR
Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com> ENVIRONMENT
LIBMOUNT_DEBUG=0xffff enables debug output. NOTES
The util-linux mountpoint implementation was written from scratch for libmount. The original version for sysvinit suite was written by Miquel van Smoorenburg. SEE ALSO
The mountpoint command is part of the util-linux package and is available from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/. util-linux June 2011 MOUNTPOINT(1)