Read the man page for csh - search for savehist.
Set your history in your .login in your home directory.
set history=200
logout and log back in (or start a new session) - type history at the prompt. Do a couple of commands and try the history command again. See if it's changed.
As far as what you wanted to do:
what i want is to
1) capture this history of commands into a file,
2) something like pressing esc and - to screen through the list of commands.
3) do the above in csh, sh.
History can be done in csh but not in sh. You won't be able to use Esc - or anything else in csh to list commands unless you change the history subsitution characters. Again, read the man page on csh and look for histchars.
I did not find "histfile" anywhere and if set, does not do a thing.
Try the savehist which can be found in the csh man page. Then you should see your .history start to grow (if you set it correctly).