functions not working

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# 8  
Old 12-29-2001
Re: One Step Back

Originally posted by darthur

I tried your suggestion....

echo qmgrcount = $qmgrcount > /dev/tty

but this just outputs "qmgrcount =" when it gets to this part of the function.
This tells that the value of qmgrcount is null or just white space at the point of the echo. That is not what you expected, right? So you are zeroing in on the bug. Think what value you expected for qmgrcount. Until you fix the line that sets qmgrcount your script isn't going to work. You have effectively done this:
just before your if statement. And as we said your if statement will only do something if qmgrcount is 0 or 1 or 2.

This is how I debug my scripts. I put in echo statements to see what values are being set to my variables. When I find a variable whose value doesn't look right, I work with the script until I get it right.

A few posts ago, you spoke of piping the output of wc -l to cut to extract the 8th field. That is crazy, there is no 8th field.
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TTY(4)							     Linux Programmer's Manual							    TTY(4)

tty - controlling terminal DESCRIPTION
The file /dev/tty is a character file with major number 5 and minor number 0, usually of mode 0666 and root.tty. It is a syn- onym for the controlling terminal of a process, if any. In addition to the ioctl() requests supported by the device that tty refers to, the following ioctl() request is supported: TIOCNOTTY Detach the current process from its controlling terminal, and remove it from its current process group, without attaching it to a new process group (that is, set its process group ID to zero). This ioctl() call only works on file descriptors connected to /dev/tty; this is used by daemon processes when they are invoked by a user at a terminal. The process attempts to open /dev/tty; if the open succeeds, it detaches itself from the terminal by using TIOCNOTTY, while if the open fails, it is obviously not attached to a terminal and does not need to detach itself. FILES
/dev/tty SEE ALSO
mknod(1), chown(1), getty(1), termios(3), console(4), ttys(4) Linux 1992-01-21 TTY(4)