It looks like you have a good learning experience here.
There have been other postings about "breaking into a system".
Search for words like "root", " no login", "single-user mode", "single user mode".
My first suggestion is: Try to reboot the box and when it asks for the interrupt, do it... it should offer you a way to get to single-user mode which is a very low-level for the box. Some systems don't require root passwd at this level.
When (if) you get there, type "mount -a" to mount all filesystems.
Then modify the root password. Type "passwd root". Then make it something simple that you can remember. I know this is a security risk but in your case it won't matter.
If this doesn't work, you may be able to boot from a tape or CD that has the OS on it.
As I said, search this forum for key words relating to "no root login" or similar words.
Hope this will help you. Good luck learning UNIX.