Opening a file in perl

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# 1  
Old 07-22-2011
Opening a file in perl

Hi I need to open a file if a condition(for example a if a regular expression) is met. How do i do this ?

open (file) if (some regex).....
# 2  
Old 07-22-2011
if ($variable =~ /abc/)
#open file here
print "not matching"

# 3  
Old 07-22-2011
Thanks, I already had this in mind but i need help in the following input :
abcd diff
random data(any number of lines)
efgh diff
random data(any number of lines)
What I exactly need to do is when regex finds diff and I need to start printing from the next line till it reaches the next diff.So basically I am trying to open a file from the position where regex is matched and then sumhow get to print whatever is in the next lines. Could you please help me do this.
# 4  
Old 07-23-2011
Hammer & Screwdriver Files

Originally Posted by manutd
Thanks, I already had this in mind but i need help in the following input :
abcd diff
random data(any number of lines)
efgh diff
random data(any number of lines)
What I exactly need to do is when regex finds diff and I need to start printing from the next line till it reaches the next diff.So basically I am trying to open a file from the position where regex is matched and then sumhow get to print whatever is in the next lines. Could you please help me do this.


Try this one,

my $rc=0;
my $filename="";
if ( open(FILE,"<") )
if ( $_ =~/diff$/ )
$filename=(split(" ",$_))[0];
print NFILE "$_\n";
print "Unable to open file\n";

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