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# 1  
Old 07-10-2001
Question newbie question

im thinking of getting unix but i have no idea where to start I know that its an OS similar to linux but what hardware does in run on? i've heard of solaris but im not quit sure what it is

# 2  
Old 07-10-2001
info solaris...

hi ninja.

first thing: linux is a port of unix for pc-architecture. unix is designed for risc-processor erchitecture (32/64 bit). but there are many ports for x86-architecture ("normal pc`s") like redhat-linux, susu-linux, and also "sun solaris for intel".

the problem is: unix is not unix. every unix (hp-ux, aix, solaris, sinix etc...) have its own special "territory". i am working sinze 7 years with unix (zertified sun, AIX & hp-ux sysadmin/networkspezialist), but for every reason you can use your special unix.

i think the "easyest-to-learn" unix is sun solaris. you can get it from sun for free, only paying shipping. you can get it for inetel or sparc. the best to learn would be a sparc-sun station, but i think for the beginning it is o.k. to install intel solaris on a personal computer.

attached find a link which pc-hardware is supported:

alternative you can use linux, but attention! linux is "the best of all unix-worlds". when you work with linux, you will miss a lot of commands/options/functions on other systems.

if you have got more questions, ask!

cheers, alex...
# 3  
Old 07-11-2001
Question Unix--GUI?

In general, does UNIX and its own "special versions" have a GUI interface? (Sort of what Linux has--example is it's generic terminal (shell) login screens, and then a 'startx' which loads the GUI interface.)

Does it depend on which "special version" in order for the manufacturer to include the GUI interface? For example, does Sun Solaris have a GUI interface in addition to its standard shell?

Also, you mentioned that "linux is 'the best of all unix-worlds'..." but you also mentioned that using linux, the user looses a lot of "commands/options/functions," which I have noticed when I use my version of linux. My question is, why is that? If its a "souped up" unix, why does it lack the power that unix has? Is it because linux is more catered towards home users, versus enterprise/corporate users (mainly the need for it to work on mainframes)? Smilie

Thanks. Smilie

# 4  
Old 07-11-2001
me again...


there is a graph-gui called "CDE"(Common Desktop Environment), developed by hewlett-packerd, sun, Novell and IBM on alle (incl. linux) unix-systems. at the newer releases (HP-UX 11.*, Sun Solairs 8...) the install procedure recognices when you have attached a graphic card/monitor, and installs the CDE automaticly.

the CDE is designed with XopenStandard. (since Juni 1995). this stuff is free with the operation systems (unixes), but you can buy it as third party product at TriTeal Enterprises (called "TED").

the big benefit is: when you know the desktop of CDE, you can work without problems on Suns, AIXs, HP-machines (usertasks, not sysadmin tasks) Smilie

theme linux:

there are a lot of good different features on different unix-OS. AIX have got a really great disk management (VolumeManage) per default. (Sun have not, but you can install disksuite or veritas). HP-UX have got a really nice graphical admintool ("SAM"), sinix have not. sun solaris 8 brings gnu-tools "per default" when you install the developer version, HP-UX does not. so, you can find all good feature of the "big" risc-unixes in linux. for learning "user" unix, linux is o.k. (commands like ls, man, rm, mv, touch, date, etc...). but i would suggest: if you wanna get a good sysadmin, first learn on one "big" unix (aix, sun, hp or something else...), cause every OS have got it`s own internals, and admintasks (disk managament, patching, installation tasks, networkconfigs...).

now maybe you ask me where i take my skills to say those things. Smilie first i have learned for 3 years on hp-ux (9.*,10.*,11.*). then i switched to AIX, and now i am working on sun solaris. at this moment i am certified for AIX, Hp-UX and solaris 8 (sysadmin/network/clusters), and i am working "parallel" on AIX and sun. (7 years skills now)...

it would be the best to find guys/sysadmins with suns, hps, ibms. they should show you what you can do (and not) with it, but be beware: an AIX sysadmin says "AIX is great, all other is shit", an solaris admin would say "sun is great, all other is shit". the only way to check it out is to test it ....


more questions? write! Smilie)
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