limiting characters upto <xyz> columns

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users limiting characters upto <xyz> columns
# 1  
Old 10-18-2007
limiting characters upto <xyz> columns


Recently i did some code changes in one of the text file.
During the code review,i've been asked to allign the comments
in this file to XYZ columns(say XYZ=40).
Now the problem is that this file is a huge one and
it would be really pathetic if i go ahead and do it manually.
I think there must be a better way of doing it,Can it be done
through a shell script ?

Can this variable(COLUMNS) is used for doing the same?

[amit@localhost ~]$ set|grep -i columns
COLUMNS=155 <===

# 2  
Old 10-18-2007

I didn't notice that you named a specific language.

The best way to communicate here is to post a sample of what you have and what you want. You mentioned code review, so you should know what requirements are -- what are those for your question?

Please put CODE /CODE tags around your code and data -- select the text and click the # button above the editing window ... cheers, drl
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