Monitoring network traffic using snoop

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# 1  
Old 09-22-2007
Monitoring network traffic using snoop

I want to monitor network traffic. For this purpose i use snoop command. But snoop command only show those packets which are broadcasted or those packets which recieved by host. But I want to examine whole network traffic. Please tell me how to use snoop for monitoring whole network traffic or if there is any other command/tool for monitoring network traffic.
# 2  
Old 09-22-2007
Operating System please?
# 3  
Old 09-22-2007
Originally Posted by kamitsin
Operating System please?
I am working on solaris 10
# 4  
Old 09-22-2007
Originally Posted by mansoorulhaq
I want to monitor network traffic. For this purpose i use snoop command. But snoop command only show those packets which are broadcasted or those packets which recieved by host. But I want to examine whole network traffic. Please tell me how to use snoop for monitoring whole network traffic or if there is any other command/tool for monitoring network traffic.

I have done a similar kind of self interest project a couple of years ago for dynamic port allocation and abuse message filter; but not exactly of the same kind

You could try something like,
listener binded as raw socket to the network interface and since the entire traffic needs to be monitored. A central node which act as the intermediate hop station routing packets from one node to other node.
With the socket to the network interface of the router you should be able to monitor the traffic.

This is just a heads up, may not be even applicable to the project that you are trying to do ! Smilie
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