Stty and copy special character

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# 8  
Old 08-08-2013
What matters is what the user sees. If you are inserting ownership comments, then probably better stick to using (R) or (TM) If the symbol you want displays okay on the screen for the users when not in vi, then be happy. Smilie

Having worked on converting XES to PCL and having to read every character in so that I knew how to configure the conversion software, reading HEX is our job, not the end user's so you need to focus on what they see. I assume that they are not using vi, of course.

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Net::Google::AuthSub::Response(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		       Net::Google::AuthSub::Response(3pm)

Net::Google::AuthSub::Response - a response from a Net::Google::AuthSub request SYNOPSIS
my $response = $auth->login($user, $pass); if ($response->is_success) { print "Yay! "; } else { if ($response->error eq 'CaptchaRequired') { print "Captcha Image ".$response->captchaurl; } } METHODS
new "HTTP::Response" "base url" Create a new response. is_success Returns whether the response was a sucess or not. SUCCESS METHODS
Methods available if the response was a success. auth The authorisation token if the response is a success. sid Not used yet. lsid Not used yet. ERROR METHODS
Methods available if the response was an error. error The error code. Can be one of BadAuthentication The login request used a username or password that is not recognized. NotVerified The account email address has not been verified. The user will need to access their Google account directly to resolve the issue before logging in using a non-Google application. TermsNotAgreed The user has not agreed to terms. The user will need to access their Google account directly to resolve the issue before logging in using a non-Google application. CaptchaRequired A CAPTCHA is required. (A response with this error code will also contain an image URL and a CAPTCHA token.) Unknown The error is unknown or unspecified; the request contained invalid input or was malformed. AccountDeleted The user account has been deleted. AccountDisabled The user account has been disabled. ServiceDisabled The user's access to the specified service has been disabled. (The user account may still be valid.) ServiceUnavailable The service is not available; try again later. url The url of a page describing the error. captchatoken The token required to authenticate a captcha. captchaurl The full url of the captcha image. perl v5.10.0 2009-05-09 Net::Google::AuthSub::Response(3pm)