How to check for special character in a value

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to check for special character in a value
# 1  
Old 11-12-2009
How to check for special character in a value


I have a variable and to it always alphanumeric value will be assigned.

If the value has any special characters in it then in the if statement it should exit like below

if (value has any speacial character)

can any one suggest how to acheive this?
# 2  
Old 11-12-2009
something like:

#   var=1234a ; [ ! $(echo $var|grep "[^0-9]") ] && echo $var

#   var=12345 ; [ ! $(echo $var|grep "[^0-9]") ] && echo $var

chould get you on the right path
# 3  
Old 11-12-2009
Did not work for me , might be the issue with the shell Smilie

how ever with out negate worked fine.

TES>var=1234; [ ! $(echo $var | grep "[^0-9]") ] && echo $var
sh: test: Specify a parameter with this command.

TES>var=1234a; [  $(echo $var | grep "[^0-9]") ] && echo $var

# 4  
Old 11-12-2009
Originally Posted by lavnayas
I have a variable and to it always alphanumeric value will be assigned.

If the value has any special characters in it then in the if statement it should exit
For bash / ksh
 if [ ! -z ${var//[[:alnum:]]/} ]
		echo OK; # Do something here

# 5  
Old 11-16-2009

thanks. It worked for me..

I have to add one condition while checking for the special characters. That is if there is any comma then it should go to else part. if there is any other special characters other than comma then the script has to exit.
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