Automatic reload of Thunar

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Old 09-29-2009
Automatic reload of Thunar

I am using Thunar on FreeBSD 7.1 and XFCE. I would like the thunar window to reload automatically when a file has been added or deleted. Currently I press Ctrl-R, but perhaps a setting that I dont know of will do this automatically?
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DH_INSTALLLISTING(1)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      DH_INSTALLLISTING(1)

dh_installlisting - install .listing files to be used by desktop-profiles package SYNOPSIS
dh_installlisting [debhelper options] [filename(s)] DESCRIPTION
dh_installlisting is a debhelper program that handles installing listing files used by the desktop-profiles package into the correct location in package builddirectories (NOTE: this command is provided by the desktop-profiles package, so don't forget to build-depends on it). It also updates the cache of profile assignments (when it exists) to reflect the added metadata. If a file named debian/package.listing exists (or debian/listing in case of the main package) it is installed in etc/desktop-profiles. In addition any files given as argument will be installed in etc/desktop-profiles as package_file.listing. The format of .listing files is described in desktop-profiles(7). A dependancy on desktop-profiles will be added to misc:Depends by using this script. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) desktop-profiles(7) update-profile-cache(1) AUTHOR
Bart Cornelis (cobaco) <> perl v5.14.2 2006-12-13 DH_INSTALLLISTING(1)