find setuid files

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# 1  
Old 08-07-2009
find setuid files

I would like to list files with setuid and setgid set up. I used the find command, but I got a lot of permission denied error. I tried to redirect the error to the hole it does not work. I used the command string below

find . -type f \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -exec ls {} \; 2>/dev/null

find: paths must precede expression.

How can I redirect the error of my find result to the hole?

# 2  
Old 08-08-2009
You probably have a typo in the command you are really running. The above command worked okay for me on Solaris 9 running against the /usr tree as a non-priv user.
# 3  
Old 08-08-2009
That's great! you were right. I got it to work now.

# 4  
Old 08-10-2009
Hello, in this regard, I found an old perl script that will do the same, and even more. Unfortunately, I don't remember how I got it, it was downloaded from somewhere, but there's no authoring information, so if the author reads this, please excuse me for not pointing to the original source.
Here's the script, I hope it will be useful for others :
# Run the program with an argument of the directory you want to completely scan
# Usage:
# perl /usr/bin
# By default it will perform check for the root "/"
# This program reports SUID, SGID, STICKY, writeable files by
# user who shouldn't be editing a lot of your files.  :)
# It prints everything to STDOUT by default.  Redirect the output wherever you want.

use warnings; # keep me informed
use strict;  # Keep me honest

my $root = shift;

if(not $root)
    # Initialize if the user didn't give us anything to cling to.

# Level indexing is provided for debugging and to check if it's going out
# of control.  In dirinfo() you can adjust what the warning and error levels
# are for the number of directory levels deep this will check.
print "Calling dirinfo\n";
dirinfo($root, $BEGINNING_LEVEL);

sub dirinfo
    my $dirname = shift;
    my $level = shift;
    my $HANDLE;
    my $MAXLEVEL=100;
    my $WARNINGLEVEL=50;

        print STDERR "WARNING: Deep directory structure. I hope you have some serious RAM free...\n";
        print STDERR "ERROR: Max recursion met - directory structure deeper than $MAXLEVEL directories. You can change the default in the script, or you can see if you can find any circular symlinks that are causing the problem.  Check the end of your output for clues.\n\n";
        die "ERROR:  Max-eval-depth error.\n";

    opendir HANDLE, "$dirname" or return(-1);

    my @allfiles = readdir HANDLE;

#    print  "Reading info on \"$dirname\"...\n";

    TORTURE: foreach my $file (@allfiles)
        my $foobar;

        if($dirname eq "/")
            $foobar = $dirname . $file;
            $foobar = $dirname. "/". $file;

        # print "\"$foobar\" level $level\n";
        if(($file eq ".") or ($file eq ".."))


        # If the file is writeable, and doesn't belong to the user running
        # this script, then it gets reported.
        elsif((-W $foobar) and (not (-O $foobar)))  # File is writeable&&!owned
            # If it's a directory, report it as such.
            if(-d $foobar)  # File is a directory
                print "\"$foobar\" ### WRITEABLE FOLDER\n"
                my $fileinfo=`ls -la "$foobar"`;
                print "\"$fileinfo\" ### WRITEABLE\n";
            } # End else
        } # End elsif
        elsif(-l $foobar)
            # my $fileinfo=`ls -l "$foobar"`;
            # chomp($fileinfo);
            # print "\"$fileinfo\" ### SYMLINK\n";
            # Symlink evilness.  Especially with GNOME.  :(
        elsif(-d $foobar)  # File is a directory
            # File is a directory - recurse through it
            # DEBUG: print "Entering \"$file\" coming from \"$dirname\"\n";
            my $tmp=dirinfo($foobar, ($level+1));
            if($tmp == -1)
                print "Directory $foobar not readable with your user, sorry, wrong UID.\n";
        elsif(-u $foobar)   # File is SUID
            my $fileinfo=`ls -la "$foobar"`;
            print "$fileinfo ### SUID\n";
        elsif(-g $foobar)  # File is SGID
            my $fileinfo=`ls -la "$foobar"`;
            print "$fileinfo ### SGID\n";
        elsif(-k $foobar)  # File is sticky
            my $fileinfo=`ls -la "$foobar"`;
            print "$fileinfo ### STICKY\n";
#           DEBUG2: print "\"$foobar\" doesn't look very interesting to me.\n";
    } # End foreach
} # End dirinfo


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