mysql(1)							  MySQL database							  mysql(1)

mysql_fix_privilege_tables - Fixes MySQL privilege tables. SYNOPSIS
mysql_fix_privilege_tables [mysql_root_password] DESCRIPTION
This scripts updates the mysql.user, mysql.db, and the mysql.func tables to MySQL 3.22.14 and above. This is needed if you want to use the new GRANT functions, CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION or want to use the more secure passwords in 3.23 If you get 'Access denied' errors, run the script again and give the MySQL root user password as an argument. SEE ALSO
isamchk(1), isamlog(1), mysql(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysqlshow(1), mysql_zap(1), perror(1), replace(1) For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at BUGS
Please refer to to report bugs. AUTHOR
This manpage was written by Christian Hammers <>. MySQL is available at ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Availability | SUNWmysqlr, SUNWmysqlu, SUNWmysqlt | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ NOTES
Source for mysql is available on MySQL 4.0 17 March 2003 mysql(1)