Configuring TP Ethernet SS5 Solaris 8

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Operating Systems Solaris Configuring TP Ethernet SS5 Solaris 8
# 1  
Old 11-16-2007
Configuring TP Ethernet SS5 Solaris 8

Hey. how do i configure the Lance Ethernet in my SS5
i must use DHCP to get Internet access. i have tried sys-unconfig and ifconfig le0 plumb and dhcp. but no cigar. how do i configure ?
i have had some problems with the /etc/hosts dir. it says it dosent exist and when i try to create it it says its already there :S (yes, im root)

what to do ?

Mads Nielsen
# 2  
Old 11-19-2007

running Solaris you find the /etc/hosts is a link, The real file
is in /etc/inet/hosts. Under /etc/inet you find al files to edit
for a working network.
To setup DHCP look at, there is an excellent

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