Configuring TP Ethernet in SPARCstation 5 Solaris 8
Hey. i have been trying to configure the on board Ethernet in My Sparcstation 5, i have spent a lot of time on the ifconfig man pages. but it could really be nice with some pro. help. i don't think the interface is running . i don't know what name the interface have, le0 eth0 et0, it just says no such device. please help
Do i have to make a txt file in the hosts dir or what ?
i have tried sys-unconfig and configuring the ethernet from the ok promt.
i gotta use DHCP to get internet access. how do i configure the stuff. i dont have a dir called hosts. and i cant make one. (im Root)
I have a server with 6 Ethernet ports. 4 are the the motherboard based 1 GBE ports and 2 are 10 GBE ports on NICs.
I have set these all up with static IP addresses and use the standard /etc/nsswitch.files. My IP addresses are
and so on till
net5... (4 Replies)
During the installation of solaris suppose I am configuring one ethernet interface that is primary but on my server there are 4 ethernet interfaces,because all other interface not configured,
what is way to find out how many ethernet interfaces are there on Server, (6 Replies)
Hey. how do i configure the Lance Ethernet in my SS5
i must use DHCP to get Internet access. i have tried sys-unconfig and ifconfig le0 plumb and dhcp. but no cigar. how do i configure ?
i have had some problems with the /etc/hosts dir. it says it dosent exist and when i try to create it it says... (1 Reply)
Hi All,
i have a problem with my database server using sun machine v440 and sunOS 5.9 on ethernet, i've checked on system log /var/adm/messages and found much error messages like shown below :
Sep 21 16:14:48 dbs genunix: WARNING: ce0: fault detected external to device; service degraded
Sep... (2 Replies)
I have my server which has LAN with above model build onboard my Dell Server, I got this driver from SCO Unix website but yet to identify the following option:
1. PCI Slot-
2. Bus-
3. Device-
4. Function-
Would anyone please kindly advice what should the... (0 Replies)
i purchased, what was labeled as a 4-port fast ethernet sbus card from ebay.
i installed it in my ultra1, and it seems to be working fine. how can i determine if the card is infact a fast ethernet card vs. the standard ethernet 4-port card? (7 Replies)
I keeping plumbing my ethernet card and assigning it an IP address and netmask, but after I reboot it keeps losing this information. Can anyone help me solve this problem?
I am using the command:
ifconfig hme0 plumb <IP Address> netmask <Subnet Mask> broadcast + up
I am running Solaris 9 OS. (2 Replies)
How can i check the speed of the Ethernet card that my Sun server has and also how can i change it to full Duplex if it is set to half duplex? What is the file that takes care of this? (3 Replies)