10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers
I have a unique situation where I must pass along critical & time-sensitive emails to a group of seven different people. Every person with whom I communicate EXCEPT ONE uses a standard IP based ".com" email address. The one exception is a gentleman who will NOT budge and create a... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Bell02
1 Replies
2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I recently installed AT&T UNIX SysV, on an old Pentium computer. I now find that I am unable to transfer files to and from the computer. I previously posted about problems mounting a floppy drive, but that is just bringing up more problems about the filesystem format.
JGT brought to my attention... (27 Replies)
Discussion started by: BrentBANKS
27 Replies
3. SCO
Hi There
Is there a maximum number of concurrent incoming uucp connections to a server?
SCO Openserver 5.07
Is there a parameter in some config file where this can be changed?
Thanx (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: wjace
5 Replies
4. Cybersecurity
Is this an attack attempt? I got an e-mail from 'uucp Admin' last night and again this morning:
What does it mean and what can I do about it? Thanks (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: ctafret
4 Replies
5. HP-UX
Hi all,
Please Tell me how to configure the sendmail.cf file for UUCP.And which all other files will be affected ?? Do I need to do some initial set-up ??
I am using HP UX 11.23 and sendmail 8.13.3.
Thanks in advance (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: DesertStorm
1 Replies
6. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Please help I am having difficulty getting uucp to send or receive a file from a remote site. The remote site settings are correct as they have been tested and tried on other systems.
When I try and send a file the modem dials and connects to the remote site uulog shows that the login is... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: casioman
3 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi !
I couldnot execute Unix uucp command for copying file from Unix to Unix machine, whenever I am using the following command :
$uucp file_name system!/destination
Error is "Bad System Name"
Let me know the way.
From, Niraj Gopal Sharan (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Niraj Gopal Sha
2 Replies
8. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I keep getting the following errors and I don't know where to look to resolve the problem. Any ideas?
bellmail: lockf(/usr/spool/mail/uucp): permission denied
bellmail: lockf(/usr/spool/mail/root): permission denied
bellmail: lockf(/usr/spool/mail/daemon): no such file or directory....
AIX... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Docboyeee
1 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi there
Firstly, can someone tell me if UUCP is necessary when using Mailx. I don't know much about UUCP other than it is a form of networking that allows files and electronic mail to be transfered.
Secondly, Unix keeps a log of the last time users have logged on. When I look at the user... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: GW01
3 Replies
10. News, Links, Events and Announcements
UUCP vulnerability found in the command line argument handling of uucp which could be exploited by a local user to obtain uucp uid/gid.
http://www.linuxhelp.net/article.pl?sid=02/02/20/0335219&mode=&threshold= (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: killerserv
1 Replies
uuaids(8c) uuaids(8c)
uucompact, uumkspool, uurespool, uupoll - uucp utilities
uucompact -ssystem
uumkspool system ...
uurespool [ -t# ]
uupoll system ...
All of the commands are located in
The command compacts uucp system spool directories and associated subdirectories. If system is ALL, then all existing uucp system spool
directories are compacted. Otherwise, only the specified system spool directory is compacted. If no system is specified, is compacted.
If is stopped before it is finished, it can be restarted without reprocessing directories. The command continues processing where it left
off during it's previous instantiation.
The command makes a per system spool directory and associated subdirectories for each of the specified systems. For example, if system is
mk3 and if the local system name is penny, the following directories are created:
The command moves files from old spool directories to new spool directories. Because the structure of the spool directories has changed
from older versions of it is necessary to respool old spooled files to new spool directories in at least two instances:
o When installing the current version of
o When creating a new system spool directory for each system.
In the latter case, it is necessary to move files from to the new spool directories. To ease this task, moves files that have been spooled
in one of 4 formats and respools them under the new spooling structure. The format is specified by the -t# option, where the number sign
(#) can be any one of the following:
o Original spool - All files are in
o Split spool - Contains the subdirectories
o Modified split spool - Contains all subdirectories listed in split spool, and
o Used when a new system directory has been created and spool files must be moved from the DEFAULT directory to the new system directory.
The command forces a connect attempt to the named systems even if recent attempts have failed, but not if the file prohibits the call. For
example, the file will prohibit the call if it is the wrong time of day. Thus, the should be monitored for messages about the connection.
Spool directory
See Also
mail(1), uucp(1c), uux(1c)