SUNWsmbau patches and diskless clients

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Operating Systems Solaris SUNWsmbau patches and diskless clients
# 1  
Old 08-17-2009
SUNWsmbau patches and diskless clients


i have set up a diskless client to boot off my server, however when i try to add the service using smosservice, i get the error that SUNWsmbau (Samba service) is on a revision past what is on the installation media.

What i did to get to this point:

clean install on V880 with Solaris 10 09/06
setup export directory with the same media that i used to install the server OS
apply Solaris 10 recommended patches from
tried running smosservice but since the patches were different than the media, i did a patchrm on all the patches that were in /var/sadm/patch.
tried running smosservice again, but still getting the same message about SUNWsmbau being different than what i am using to create the diskless client with
pkgrm SUNWsmbau SUNWsmbar SUNWsmbac since i wont be using samba as such on this server.
tried running smosservice again, same error.
showrev -p, nothing anywhere about smb

any ideas? is there a missing patch? What would be the best way to fix something like this?

Thanks for whatever help you all may be able to provide

# 2  
Old 09-01-2009
# 3  
Old 09-01-2009
I don't understand why you did a patchrm for Smilie
# 4  
Old 09-07-2009
I did the patchrm because my version was patched so i wanted to remove any patches that had possibly affected using the smosservice command.

I believe i found the issue, the patch list that i generated between a server that works with no questions asked is one patch difference. I dont have the patch number details at this point as they are not sitting in front of me.

I determined this through a showrev -p. Interestingly enough, the Solaris release that i was using was 0905 and the server that works is 1008. There is one patch difference between the two. So i downloaded the 1008 and will be rebuilding the server. I tried to remove the different patch, but since there was no backout directory, i couldnt as it was bundled with the 0905 release.

unless someone knows how to remove a patch that is bundled, i am going to rebuild the server.
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