HP Printer without SMC, Admintool, or Jetadmin

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Operating Systems Solaris HP Printer without SMC, Admintool, or Jetadmin
# 1  
Old 07-29-2009
HP Printer without SMC, Admintool, or Jetadmin

Jetadmin fails saying that it is not a network printer despite the fact that it is and can be pinged from UNIX.

I am administering this remotely (long remote, I can't go there soon) and can't run smc or admintool.

Any help configuring this spooler would be appreciated.
# 2  
Old 08-02-2009
For printing to work you should be able to telnet to the printer's IP address specifying TPC/IP port 515 (lpd), compare the result with a local, working printer, you should connect proving that the printer is listening on port 515, if not then the HP Jetdirect card is not working properly in the printer.
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