help/suggestions needed with wget

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Old 01-29-2008
help/suggestions needed with wget


I'm thinking of using the following command to download some music from websites I visit (designated in the mp3blogs.txt file):

wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.mp3 -erobots=off -i ~/mp3blogs.txt -P ~/Music/WGet

My only question is, is there ANY way to either download files that have been posted ONLY after a certain date (like today) or only download a certain number of files from each site in my txt file?

I know that the -N timestamp will check the files I've downloaded and only download new ones but as far as starting out, I don't want to download ALL the files some sites have available dating back to what could be years. That's why I was wondering about a solution as described above.

I know curl has a -z command that some people say might work but I'm more fond of wget.
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JIGDO-LITE(1)															     JIGDO-LITE(1)

jigdo-lite - Download jigdo files using wget SYNOPSIS
jigdo-lite [ URL ] DESCRIPTION
See jigdo-file(1) for an introduction to Jigsaw Download. Given the URL of a `.jigdo' file, jigdo-lite downloads the large file (e.g. a CD image) that has been made available through that URL. wget(1) is used to download the necessary pieces of administrative data (contained in the `.jigdo' file and a corresponding `.template' file) as well as the many pieces that the large file is made from. The jigdo-file(1) utility is used to reconstruct the large file from the pieces. `.jigdo' files that contain references to Debian mirrors are treated specially: When such a file is recognized, you are asked to select one mirror out of a list of all Debian mirrors. If URL is not given on the command line, the script prompts for a location to download the `.jigdo' file from. The following command line options are recognized: -h --help Output short summary of command syntax. -v --version Output version number. --scan FILES Do not ask for "Files to scan", use this path. --noask Do not ask any questions, instead behave as if the user had pressed Return at all prompts. This can be useful when running jigdo- lite from cron jobs or in other non-interactive environments. SEE ALSO
jigdo-file(1), jigdo-mirror(1), wget(1) (or `info wget') CD images for Debian Linux can be downloaded with jigdo <URL:>. AUTHOR
Jigsaw Download <URL:> was written by Richard Atterer <jigdo>, to make downloading of CD ROM images for the Debian Linux distribution more convenient. 19 May 2006 JIGDO-LITE(1)