Can you help me regarding developing script?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Can you help me regarding developing script?
# 1  
Old 12-09-2007
Can you help me regarding developing script?


I want to develope this script. any help will be appreciated.

It is possible to use two pipes and create two-way communication between two processes. (In practice, this is not done because sockets are available.) Create a program where the parent process reads the name of a language from standard input: French, Spanish, or English. The parent sends the name of the language to the child process via a pipe. The child determines the proper word for "good-bye": Au revoir (french), Adios (Spanish), or Good-bye (english) and sends this word to the parent using another pipe. The parent prints out the word.

# 2  
Old 12-09-2007
Parallel pipes are easy to do in C, not so easy in a shell script.

However if all you want is a very simple message exchange....

    read LANG
    case "$LANG" in
    "ENGLISH" )  echo "goodbye" ;;
    "SPANISH" ) echo "adios" ;;
    * ) echo "TTFN";;

GOODBYE=`echo $LANGUAGE | lookup`
echo "$GOODBYE"

Last edited by porter; 12-09-2007 at 06:55 PM..
# 3  
Old 12-09-2007
In Korn shell that could be done via a co-process in the way that you describe or more generically by using named pipes. However a it would be simpler to call another script as child in a subshell and capture it's output in the way that Porter has idicated.
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