compare file size from a output file from a script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting compare file size from a output file from a script
# 8  
Old 11-07-2007
Lightbulb point answered and close thanks

Thanks guys to having help me.

With your help I make it works now, so nice to have your supportSmilieSmilieSmilie see below :

check_ftp ()
cat $1 |
grep [*.Z] |
awk '{print $5}' |
sed -e 's/printing//g' -e 's/(8192//g' -e 's/on.//g' -e '/^$/d'

check_ftp "$INFOSYSL" > "$DIRLOG/ISL"
check_ftp "$INFOSYSF" > "$DIRLOG/ISF"
check_ftp "$INFONETL" > "$DIRLOG/INL"
check_ftp "$INFONETF" > "$DIRLOG/INF"

a=`cat $DIRLOG/ISL`
b=`cat $DIRLOG/ISF`
c=`cat $DIRLOG/INL`
d=`cat $DIRLOG/INF`

export a b c d

if [ "$a" = "$b" ]; then
echo "ok" "\n"
else echo "not ok"
fi >> $MAIL

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