Hi guys,
firstly I'm working on SunOS 5.10 Generic_125100-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
I've made a script to compress two directory and then send them to an other server via ftp. This is working very well.
Inside theis script I decide to log usefull data for troubleshooting in case of need. quit easy until now.
I need to send some information by mail to a anaware person. this information would be the data has been compressed well and are base on the ftp server or the backup transfert hasn't worked well.
Here is starting the interesting clue
Then I send to a file (INFO) the output of ls -l of the Compressed file and theDIR ftp output
which are like this :
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ftpfintel ftpuser 2103425 Nov 5 11:40 ftptestsys.tar.Z
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2103425 Nov 5 11:56 ftptestsys.tar.Z
Then I create a function to sort out and get only file name and size and owner that I send to a file (MAIL).
which is like this :
root 2103425 ftptestsys.tar.Z
ftpfintel 2103425 ftptestsys.tar.Z
Now from this or from an other way, I would like to create a check between the size of the two files. Have you and idea, I'm trying to user
eq but nothing good and do you know how can read the content of MAIL and get something like
MAIL < if [ [0-9] eq [0-9] then echo "transfert ok"
echo "transfert defect"