Removing Zeros in front of a number

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Removing Zeros in front of a number
# 8  
Old 09-25-2007
Hi all,

How about doing the reverse way?
For EG,

I need a 2 character numeric term all the time.

7 ->change to -> 07
8 -> change to -> 08
10 -> No change -> 10
# 9  
Old 09-25-2007
$ printf "%02d\n" 7 8 10

# 10  
Old 09-28-2007
Thanks it work!!
# 11  
Old 05-21-2008
This is a great command.
What if the text string contains alphanumeric characters before it?
I was trying to get this to work, but was unsuccessful.
# 12  
Old 05-21-2008
Originally Posted by networkslew
This is a great command.
What if the text string contains alphanumeric characters before it?
I was trying to get this to work, but was unsuccessful.
Please post a sample from your input and an example of the desired output.
# 13  
Old 05-22-2008
echo "myfile0011" | sed "s/^0*//"


echo "0011mile" | sed "s/^0*//"

shoud be myfile11 or 11myfile
# 14  
Old 05-22-2008
I'm not sure, do you mean this?

% printf "%s\n" 0011myfile myfile00220 my003303file|sed "s 00*\([1-9]*\) \1 "

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